Seven: Naraku

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= Yoru's Pov =

It's been some time since I followed Sesshomaru and Jaken. More or less, I've gotten use to his coldness I suppose but Jaken is the annoying one. 

Speaking of which I never really see Sesshomaru smile before. Though I couldn't exactly image him smiling... Would it be the end of the world?

Anyways, I was brought back to reality when some baboon came out from the shadows which scared the heck out of me and Jaken. Who is this guy?

"Forgive me but I overheard your conversation and I believe that this is a suitable arm for you" says the baboon while showing us... A human arm?

"That's a human arm is it not?" I ask while eyeing it suspiciously.

"Indeed it is but it is empowered with the gragment of the Sacred Jewel" He says. 

My eyes widen. What? Shikon no Tama? How did he get the hold of it? Oof- I wish I could meet up with Kagome at the moment!

"Interesting. I'll take it" says Sesshomaru and my eyes widen. 

"Oh and take this. It will come in handy" says the baboon. 

A beehive?

"What is your name?" Sesshomaru ask. 

"My name is Naraku" He says. 

"Naraku huh? I'll remember it well" says Sesshomaru and he started moving again. 

I turn behind to see that Naraku is gone. I then turn to Sesshomaru with a look of worry. 

"Sesshomaru, don't you think it may be a trap?" I ask. 

"Whether it's a trap or not, I just want to get my hands on the Tetsusaiga" says Sesshomaru.

After some time, we decided to stay in the forest (like always) to set up camp. Gosh I'm tired! I lean against the tree and fell asleep soon. 

* Yoru's Dream *

"Kagome-chan!! I've got great news!" I told my cousin. 

"Nani nani? What news?" She ask.

"Sesshomaru and I are getting married!" I exclaimed. 

"Ehh, congratulations! Inuyasha, aren't you happy for them?" Kagome ask. 

"Hah! Like I would!" Inuyasha scoffed. 

"Oh come on Inuyasha. You can't give that kind of attitude when you get a niece or nephew" I said and he stares at me with surprised. 

"Ehh? Yoru-san, you're pregnant?" Kagome ask and I sheepishly chuckled.

"Two months pregnant" I said with a smile

* Dream End *

Being taken aback, I immediately woke up and look around my surroundings. I sigh of relief and wipe away an invisible sweat.

Thinking back on my dream I blush greatly. Geez, what kind of dream was that... Me and Sesshomaru getting married? *Inner fangirls*-

I look around, seeing that it is still night time but Sesshomaru wasn't around. I simply assumed that he is probably somewhere else like doing patrol or something so without thinking much, I fell asleep.

When I woke up, Sesshomaru was beside me which gave me a shock. I then turn to face him. He's asleep... I slowly started to check out his features and I have to admit... Sesshomaru is handsome... *blush*

G-Geez, this just makes me think back on my dream which made me blush even more. I then fan myself and kept my distance but I was suddenly pulled by Sesshomaru. 


"What were you staring at?" He ask.

I swallowed my saliva. They way his golden orbs staring down at me is a little intimidating. 

"N-Nothing in particular" I said and manage to get away from him.

"Let's get moving" says Sesshomaru.

"O-Okay" I mumbled and we continued moving.

Wait... His left arm... Is missing. What happened while I was asleep?

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