Chapter 1 - Moving

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I have always been a quiet person but I don't think of my self as antisocial. I get very easily defensive because it's just what I do and sometimes people get really offended but I don't mean to snap at them.

I live in a house with my Mom, Dad, brother and two sisters; all younger than me. Me, being the oldest followed by my brother and my two sisters, I am not the oldest out of all but I'm the oldest in the house. I have two older brothers and one older sister but they don't live with us we have always lived in a really small village called Mill Wood but we move to Snowgrove when I was 13. I'm almost 15 now but I still miss everyone from Mill Wood. We just moved to a different part of West Midlands called Holmes Chapel but we still had to move schools again.

As we travelled down a country road we got to some large metal gates with gold pointed tips. My brother gasped in astonishment and the small talk in the back of the car fell silent to witness the grand scale in which the house was set. My dad punched a 4 digit code into a sterling silver key pad and the gates majestically opened my dad following them forward and continuing on another rocky path surrounded by trees.

Then we slowly came to a flowing fountain creating a roundabout covered in gravel. Then, before anything could be said a massive country estate was revealed beyond the trees with freshly prepared grass surrounding its perimeter that seemed to go out for miles. My Dad turns to us "We have been left this house in my great Uncle Greg's will as he had no children and we were pretty close," my brother interrupts "and you didn't think to mention this to us at all?"
My dad waves his hands a bit in deliberation "well possibly but I didn't want to excite you too much incase you were disappointed."
"We are not disappointed!" The back of the car almost yells.
"Ok then let's get going the lorries will be here with your stuff soon we will let you know, ok?"
"Ok" we say in a monotone voice.

We leap out of the car and run to the massive double oak doors which my mom was slowly but surely unbolting bit by bit. They open to reveal a grand staircase flowing through out the house and then we went to look around all 3 floors opening every door in sight and we soon settled in.

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