Cast list

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Logan Black (18)

Lukas Black (18)

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Lukas Black (18)

Olivia Black (18)

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Olivia Black (18)

Leonardo Nilos (22)

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Leonardo Nilos (22)

Leonardo Nilos (22)

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Henry Nilos (21)

Juliette Nilos (19)

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Juliette Nilos (19)

Juliette Nilos (19)

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Gabby Ford (19)

Jake Thorpe (20)

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Jake Thorpe (20)

Jake Thorpe (20)

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James Lee (19)

These pictures do not belong to me this is just an image for you to get an idea of what the characters look like, I will update this list by each chapter and if there are any new characters I will update this list with them

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These pictures do not belong to me this is just an image for you to get an idea of what the characters look like, I will update this list by each chapter and if there are any new characters I will update this list with them

I encourage everyone to comment if there are any grammar/ spelling mistake so I can fix them

I do have other stories that I need to update, so sorry if I take long 😁

Thank you for reading ❤️ Hope you enjoy 🤩

A/N- due to troubles, explanation on my other story, The Two Alphas I might write this story in my new account, KHunter14 instead of this account but i'm not sure yet please message me on my new account not this one if you have any questions, Thank You

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