Challenge -Chapter 2-

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HEY HEY HEY! Wassup my homies! I'm back! Be prepared, this is when shit starts to go down. ¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯ So be warned, the cuteness has arrived! Also, for the sake of the fic, you have log hair. If you don't well now you do, suck it up. Thank chu~

Oikawa Pov~

I watched in awe as the shorter girl skipped off. What was that about? Did she just want to look at me? I smirk turning away from her retreating form. This just got a whole lot better.

Time skip -Next day- Brought to you by: Kuroo's Cackling

I looked up at the sky with my hands in my pockets. I was currently walking with Iwa-Chan to school, "Hey Iwa-Chan?" He responded with grunt, "What do you think of the girls team?" I asked looking over at him, "They're really good I guess. They've got talent, you can just tell by looking at them," He said with out turning his head, "Why do you ask?" I shrugged, "Don't know, I guess I was intrigued by their captain, she's pretty hot," He rolled his eyes, "You think every girl is hot Shittykawa," I gasped, "I do not, and mean!"

I noticed that we were near the school gates, so I straightened myself out and put on a gentle smile. Almost as soon as I walk into the gates, I hear my common greeting, "Oikawa-San~!" I'm quickly engulfed into a swarm of girls handing me stuff as Iwa-Chan walks off with disgust.

As I'm talking with the girls, I see the boys start shifting and whispering, their faces dusted with pink. All of a sudden I see what seems to be an angel walk past me. She has long flowing H/c hair and is wearing the Aoba Johsai uniform, and she looks super good in it. I take a closer look and notice it's Y/n.

I manage to escape my group of fangirls and approach her, "Well hello Chibi-Chan~" I coo. She turns her head and smiles, "Well hello Oikawa-Kun!" I swear that smile of hers is contagious, as I feel myself start smiling wider, "What's up?" She asks, "Oh nothing, just hanging out with my future girlfriend," I smirk.

She smirks back, "Only if I was with my future boyfriend, bummer~" I pout, "Playing hard to get I see~" I pat her on the head and smirk, "No, I'm just being me," She says with an innocent face. At that moment a silent challenge was made. Whoever blushed first, lost.

Y/n Pov~

This could be very fun. I walked into school as we 'chatted', more like us flirting with each other. I sat down at my desk. Oikawa is a fun guy, I'll give him that. He can be really seductive, or really goofy and silly. I like it.

A few seconds later Mori came in and I waved at her with a beaming smile "Hey~ Mori!" "Hey~ N/n~!" She sat down at her desk that was next to mine, "What's got you all happy today?" She asked, "Oh it's nothing~" I teased, "Oh come on~ You can't leave you girlfriend hanging like that~" She pouted. 

I sighed, "You know Oikawa?" She rolled her eyes, "WhO'S OiKaWa" She joked as I lightly punched her in the arm, "We have a challenge," I stated proudly. She tilted her head confused. I giggled at her cluelessness, "Whoever blushes first loses!" I said happily, "I am so going to win!" I squealed.

She rolled her eyes, "Explain," I took a deep breath, "Basically we flirt with each other until the other blushes, who ever blushes first, loses, and the winner gets to choose the penalty!" I exclaimed. She sighed shaking her head, "I have a feeling this one's gonna bite you in the ass," Now I rolled my eyes, "Nonsense I say! Nonsense!"

Time skip -Lunch- Brought to you by: Dadchi

I grabbed my lunch as I noticed a boy walking over to me. He looked super nervous and was looking down, "Hey! How can I help you?" I ask, "I-I-I u-u-uh" He cleared his voice, "I-I really like, like, a-alot, a-and I was wondering if y-you wanted t-to go o-out sometime?" He asked. I simply gave him a sad smile, "I'm sorry, I wish I could, you seem super nice in all, it's just I'm kinda on a bet so I'm not going to be dating anyone for now," I patted him on the head surprising hi and causing him to blush, "Maybe some other time ya?" He nodded and I giggled causing all the boys around me to blush.

I then, with my lunch in hand, made my way to the roof. I was whistling a little and had a spring in my step. I don't know why but I was super happy. I let out a little twirl but then soon started to feel myself fall. Now one was in this hall at the time, so at least no one would she me fall.

Just before I hit the ground I felt something warm on my back as my hand. I opened my eyes and noticed the one and only Oikawa Tooru, "Didn't think you'd be falling for me this soon~" He said with a wink. I scoffed as I realized our positions. He was holding my hand out and had his leg behind me. With a graceful movement, we pulled me up and twirled me into a hug. I looked up in surprise, "Well aren't you a smooth one~" I winked as I slipped out of his embrace.

I continued walking as if nothing happened even though my heart was beating mildly fast. Why? I have no idea. I opened the door to the stair well, and after climbing a few flights open to door to the roof.

I looked around and saw no one. Sometimes it's nice to get away. I sat down on a bench when I heard a creak. I guess I jinxed it. I quickly swallowed my food and turned around and was surprised to see yet again, Oikawa Tooru himself.

He seemed surprised to see me too to say the least. He gave me a smile and I returned it, "Fancy meeting you here Chibi-Chan~" He purred in my ear as I felt his warm breath touch my bare neck sending unnoticeable shivers down my back, "If I didn't know better Oikawa-Kun, I would say your following me," I said leaning my back against his chest to get back at him. Unfortunately, this was going to be harder than I thought.

His chest disconnected with my back and I felt an uncomfortable cold creep it's way there, "I would never do such a thing!" He pouted, "Oh ok!" I said cheerily. He sat down and we ate our lunch in comfortable silence. A swift breeze blew and I felt yourself start to shiver.

Before I knew it, I felt arms draped over your shoulders. I looked up with an innocent face at Oikawa as he lazily hugged you from behind, "What?" I asked pouting just a bit, "You looked cold" He said setting his chin on my head and tightening his grip. I sighed and relaxed into the hug, "Looks like someone is enjoying their selves~" I could basically hear the smirk radiating off his voice, "And if I am~" You cooed as you leaned into his back more, soaking up his warmth.

We stayed like that for a little. I really enjoyed it if I'm being honest, I felt so warm.. so safe. After about a minute I stood up, almost immediately regretting it as I got chills from the loss of his touch, "We better get going, class starts soon," I say while giving him a little smile. We walk down the stairs split ways, "Bye bye Chibi-Chan~" He said while waving, I pouted, "Quit calling me that~" I whined, "Nope!" He said and I sighed, "Bye Oikawa-Kun~"

YAY! I. DID. IT. AGAIN! I am on a roll! Two in one day! Not that bad, not that bad. It was a bit short, I know, I know, but I didn't really want to make it a long one and try and fit their practice into it, that's next chapter! Anyways~ how was it? I was thinking to myself and I was like 'If she's the girl version of Oikawa, shouldn't she act like it?' and then BAM! This happened. So that's that. I REALLY hope you enjoyed reading it, because I enjoyed writing it! Please Vote and Comment!



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