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Alexander's POV

I was having a good time, even though  my parents are still pissed at me. I was dancing with some chick and some other people to some sexy music blasting from the speaker by the DJ's booth.

But there was this strange feeling in my guts, my wolf even started surfacing. He was excited for some reason, maybe our mate's  close by???hmm if that's the case, than why haven't picked up a strong, sweet and alluring scent? that's what they usually say or that's how they usually describe a mate's scent. But I can't find one. Maybe It's something else.

I was about to continue dancing, when I saw Gabriel walking to the bar area with his friends and talked to Roy. They seem close. They were talking and laughing with drinks in there hands.

They moved to a table I little out back, away from the crowd of dancing bodies. Roy came back to the bar area a few moments later and took some food from the counter, I think it was chips and some kind of sauce or something. He went back to the table with Gabriel and his friends.

I cound see they were talking about things, that I cant understand and here because of the distance and the loud music. I didn't pay them any attention and continued with my fun time. I don't have time to deal or think of useless people especially that FAGGOT.

The music was going good. The dancing has become more sexual with much more touching, grinding, kissing and dry humping. My parents didn't even spared me a glance, they just pretended as if I wasn't there, while they  continued their conversation with alpha Jade, about some problems they need to fix.

My hands were halfway to this chick's ass when I heard someone shouting, when I looked for the source of the little communication their way a girl laying on the grass with some dude on top of her. She must have fallen. But why was she screaming as if something happened to her?

when I shifted my eyes from them, they landes on someone with brown hair. I looked at the people he was with then something hit me. NO this can't be! It can't be HIM. It can't Be a fucking GUY a DUDE. I WILL NOT ACCEPT THIS.

He didn't turn around to look at me, as I made my way over to them, and more importantly over to him. While I shouted the word "NO" in absolute disgut and rejection. Rejection of the Idea to be with HIM.

I pushed him over, causing him to stumble a few steps before catching himself and regaining his balance, straightened himself up and looked at me.

"I will not fucking accept this.I will not, and never accept YOU!! you worthless fucking piece of shit! YOU are a mistake, YOU are but a piece of trash, you're suppose to DIE!! I will not put up with a weak, useless, good for nothing mate of a FAGGOT!! I ALEXANDER JAMES LIWES  REJECT YOU, YOU FAGGOT GABRIEL WHATEVER YOUR NAME IS."

I said this with so much anger and hate towards him, people were staring at the scene that was happening in front of them. He was about to just leave when I grabbed his arms harshly. I tried to punch him, but he just dodged all my attacks.

I just abo had it with him, so I grew my claws and took a swing at him, It landed on his face, creating marks. The weirdest thing though is his blood. It was gold and the scratch disappeared completely as if it never happened. I didn't know what happened, one moment he was standing there and the naext thing I know is his in front of me. He back handed me, sending me flying across the field a few yards untill I landes hard on the bar area.

I was beyond angrily I was livid ready to kill I shifted to my wolf form, despite the resistance of my wolf to fight his mate, He was very strong, but I used everything bit of will power I have to gain total control of the form and charge at the guy who is supposed to be my mate, what a joke that would be. I was charging at him, when his friends blocked my view of my target, they want to protect him. It  tear each one of them just to get to that trash so I can kill him.

Before I can even make it to them, they were suddenly gome, I say them appear on the sides of the field from my corner of my eyes. I was already med air in attacking him. But I was stunned when he grabed my neack with one hand and wasn't even struggling to hold me up, even with my feet dangling from the ground. This is impossible!! How is this possible?!! I can't be just be defeated by this human. Werewolf or not.. I'm an Alpha for crying out loud. He threw me as if i weigh nothing acros the field, till I landed on the grass near the stairs to the back door.

Foom the distance, I could se A bright light, he flew to the sky and landed a few feet away from me. His wings were big, wide and GLOWING. Then it disappeared he walk over to me slowly, until we were only a few meters away. I was still disoriented from the impact of my fall and shock with all thats happening. I looked up at him, and the Iris of his eyes were glowing gold. I didnt say anything, I couldn't say anything. I was lost for word to say, insult to throw. I just sat there with my aching body from the fall, speechless and mortified on what's going to happen next.

He was powerful, I never seen anyone this strong, this quick this ethereal. Then It all came crashing down on me, the realization that he could even kill me. But the words he said was nit the one I expected to hear.

"You do not want me, fine. I will give you what you asked for, you would not give me a chance. Instead you let yourself be consumed by such hateful thoughts, you are not worthy of my love, nor my respect. I Gabriel Davil Anderson Exorus God of all the God's here by accept your rejection Alexander James Liwes. I break the strings that connects us in the name of Selene the goddess of the moon. Have a good life MATE I hope youre happy."

I was stunned. I don't know on which part, If it is the acceptance of the rejection and breaking of the linking bond by the moon goddess herself or that this boy right here in fron of me is a GOD not just any God, but the GOD of ALL GODS!! you gotta be shitting with me now. That's just crazy. Even will that has happened and the things he can do,I do not believe that THIS FAGGOT is a God. I nver even heard of his name. But deep down I'm having doubts with my counter accusation.

The temperature suddenly dropped, almost freezing the ground. The wind blew harshly as I can see the swirling of dark thundercloud up above. A single blink of an eye and he was already a hundred feet up in the sky and by the crackling of thunder and flashing of lightning he was gone. The moment he was going good gone, there was this unimaginable pain that took over my body, as if my skin is on fire and my blood is boiling with my head hurting like it was hit by a train.

Everybody was still not over with what just happened, they didn't even give a reaction to me screaming and rolling in pain on the ground. The silence was only broken by alpha Jade's angry shouting.

"YOU BASTARD!! WHAT DID YOU JUST DO?!! DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA!!" He said while repeatedly punching me on the face. I pushed him off me and stood up from the ground with great effort. My mother did nothing to stop the alpha but rather cried her eyes on my father's chest, Muttering words of apology like "forgive us God".

The ground shook violently, as the sky grew darker by the second, Covering the stars and the moon. All there was is darkness with an occasional ear piercing sound of thunder and long skreaks of lightning that wound hit the ground. My father finally spoke for the first time since yesterday's event in my room. "This is all your fault! you have no one else to blame but your narrow minded self. I thought I was raising a MAN. But all I can see is a cowered and a MONSTER you are not fitted and worthy of a God's love!!"

They left me standing there,as everyone went inside the pack house. Leaving me to ponder on the decision and actions that I just made. did I go wrong? NO!! I refuse to admit that, because I know what I did is the right thing. HI is the one who's no deserving of ME!!!

hey loves!..how do you like the story so far?..let me hear your thoughts.
Anyway thank you for all the support and comments, I may not reply but rest assured I'm reading everyone of them..thank you so much. As always don't forget to vote and share.. and of course follow me for future stories.

Love³ Yan yan 😘😘😘.

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