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Getting accepted into Dublin Music College felt like the dark clouds clearing to reveal a wondrous sunrise. The birds seemed to sing along to the warmth I felt in my heart, even the raven replied, letting out a loud, powerful shriek that hot summer morning.

It seemed to happen so fast. I was awoken by a deafening ringing from my phone. Once, twice, and before it could hit the third ring, I had already picked up my phone with a shaking hand. "Hello?" I mumbled, wiping my dry eyes with my free arm. I hadn't gotten much sleep that night, I had been analyzing poetry again. This had become a hobby of mine during my third year of primary school, I found peace in discovering the hidden meanings in even the blandest of words used by my favourite poets. That was where my interest in Ireland began, from the words of Seamus Heaney, one of the most impactful poets of my childhood. "Good morning, Codeine Williams. I am Florence, the assistant headmaster of Dublin Music College." Tweeted a bright, Irish accent from my phone. I sat there, dazed and confused for a few moments, until the familiar college name drew my attention. My eyes widened in recognition. "I'm informing you of your acceptance to this academy in the upcoming autumn term. If you have any questions, feel free to call this number on business days between 9-5 GMT+1." Florence finished, ending the call abruptly which sent my jaw to the floor.
That call was where it all began. The start of new love, confusion, and a horrible tragedy.

I haven't written a fan-fiction in years, but I always seem to come back to it. I'm sure this won't be read by many, but if you are reading this, HI I'm hoziersfae! I'll be uploading this story just for organizational purposes, cause I have way too many drafts in my google drive.
I really hope you like it! It's going to contain some mature themes later in the book, but for now it's mainly introductions and some wholesome content :)

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