End of Summer: A short and sweet.

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The sail boats were coming in and families were packing up their little ones after a long day on the beach. Up above the blue skies began bleeding orange and purple. Sunset was upon us, reminding me that another summer day had come and gone. This sunset was different though and we both knew it.

Charlie and I snuck away from our own families while they loaded up the car for our trip home. Placing my chin on his shoulder I nuzzled in closer seeking his warmth against the ocean breeze. His side profile was just as handsome as his full profile. He had that classic James Dean look and before this summer I didn't know what that meant or what was so great about it but one look at him and I was his before he even knew it.

Charlie sat next to me, toes in the sand and silent. I've never met a boy with fewer words than Charlie but like the sky, his silence spoke of an imminent goodbye. On any other given day, I loved his silence. He made me feel balanced, the calm to my ever-present storm. But now more than ever I was desperate for his words like a dried-up desert thirsted for rain. I aimed to fill that silence and drown out that feeling of dread but found my voice seized up by sadness.

I didn't want any of this to end but the reality of it all was glaring there in our face. So, I tried to fill his silence with memories.

"You remember that day we went to the state fair and we rode every ride twice while I ate so much cotton candy in between that you warned me I'd throw up?"

He nodded but didn't say anything.

"Then you were right, and I did. I was so embarrassed, but you kicked everyone out of the women's bathroom and held my hair back the entire time."

Quietly I said, "I'm gonna miss that. Well, not the throwing up part but–"

Next to me, Charlie took a deep breath and slowly let it out.

"We'll always have next summer," I said, with all the hope I could muster, "My parents already booked our same beach house."

Still nothing. I was running out of words to fill the silence and the inevitability of this goodbye was slowly depleting me.

"The time will fly, I promise." I sighed, laying my head on his shoulder, resigned to the fact that our last conversation between the two of us might very well be one sided. But in true Charlie fashion he stunned me with his carefully chosen and skillfully delivered words.



I looked over at him only to find him already gazing at me too with his bright blue eyes. "I love you." 


Hey guys! It's me Jasmine and I am back!! I hope you enjoyed my little shortie End of Summer! I can't wait to share more with you all. In the mean time share End of Summer, drop a comment, hit that vote button and follow me because there is more to come! 

Love you guys!

XO Jas

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