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"Hello Akiza, it's been a while," Sayer said, sitting down at the table. Sayer was wearing a navy blue uniform. A criminal mark ran across his face, outlining the scar on the right side of his face. He wore a metal helmet with glowing  lights. 

"Let's just get down to business Sayer. What do you know about the guy impersonating you?" Akiza demanded. Sayer gave a look of feigned astonishment.

"I have no idea what your talking about Akiza" Sayer said. "If there's another me running around, then maybe Sector Security should get on that, and maybe my good name will be cleared." Yuri slammed his fist into the table.

"Cut the crap Sayer. We both know yo have the resources to make a fake you," Yuri menaced. Sayer looked up at Yuri with as much anger and hate as Yuri looked at Sayer with. "Spill what you know."

"Fine, but only if Akiza can beat me in a duel," Sayer said.

"Fine," Akiza said sitting down and placing her deck on the table. Yuri knocked on the door.

"Get this clown a deck, we're going to duel him," Yuri said to a guard.

"I'm sorry, but that's against the rules," the guard said. Mr. Lu came up with a deck. 

"I think we can waive that rule for now. This deck was put together for new prisoners to duel with," Mr. Lu said. 

"Thanks," Yuri said. He placed the scrapped together deck down for Sayer, then placed his own deck and a life point counter down and sat next to Akiza.

"What are you doing?" Akiza asked.

"The way I see it, Sayer knows all your dueling strategies, and what card your most likely to use. As for me, I'm an unknown entity. Sayer doesn't know anything about me," Yuri said. He drew the top five cards off his deck, as did Akiza and Sayer. "Shall we say ladies first?"

"Agreed," Sayer said. Akiza drew her card. 

"I'll play Phoenixian Seed in attack mode," Akiza said, placing her card down. "Then I'll send that to the graveyard to play Phoenixian Cluster Amaryllis. I'll set a facedown and end my turn."

"I'll go next," Yuri said, drawing his card. "I play Armored Shadow in attack mode. Now, since I was able to play this card Sayer, you send the top five cards of your deck to the graveyard," Yuri said to Sayer. "I'll also set  facedown and end my turn." Sayer glared across the table as he placed the top cards in his graveyard.

"Finally it's my turn," Sayer said, drawing his card. "I'll play Gene-Warped Warwolf in attack mode," Sayer said. "Now, I'll use it to attack your Armored Shadow." Yuri's life points decreased to 3500. 

"Well then, as per my monsters second effect, I send the top five cards of my deck to the graveyard," Yuri said. 

"My turn, Akiza said, drawing her card. "I play Twilight Rose Knight. Now I can activate his ability, which allows me to special summon one level four or below plant monster, so I summon Hedge Guard," Akiza said. She placed both cards down. "Now I'll tune my Hedge Guard and Rose Knight to synchro summon Splendid Rose," Akiza said, removing her two monsters and replacing them with her synchro monster. "First, I attack with my Amaryllis," Akiza said. Sayer's life points dropped to 3800. "Now I attack with Splendid Rose." Sayer's life points dropped down to 1600. "I'll end my turn now." 

"Then I'll go," Yuri said. "I play Fire Leo and attack you directly," Yuri said. The last of Sayer's life points dropped to zero. "Now, what do you know about the other Sayer?" Yuri demanded, picking his cards off the table. Sayer leaned back in his seat.

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