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It had been about 2 weeks and I have been stuck in this house they didn’t trust me enough to let me leave even when I was willing to swear id come back or even take them with me. But noooooo I was always here with one of them watching me like a vulture ready to attack. Yet today was different they both had left early this morning before I had woken up and it was odd to have the house to myself maybe they had begun to trust me because little did they know I didn’t want to leave anymore I found me stay here actually quite pleasant and I knew that I would eventually regret leaving anyways. I’m a confused child I’m not going to deny it. The doorbell rang and I ran to answer it. I was confused really because I knew they both had keys so why did they not just unlock the door.

I found out my answer when I opened the door because standing there was Erik. My Erik the one who left me behind to go live his dream off at his ideal college and here he stood at their door step looking as hot as ever. Before I knew what I was doing my arms where wrapped around him in a bear hug. His chest vibrated from him laughing and it was great to hear that laugh to be in his arms again and I never wanted to leave. I looked up at him how? When? Why? Where the only words I could mutter he laughed again before speaking. Well if you let me in I’ll let you know babes. At his words I slowly removed myself from his warm embrace and stepped aside letting him inside.

He sat down on the couch and I followed suit as I settled down he began to talk.

Erik’s POV

So I came back a couple of weeks ago and showed up at your house looking for you but instead of it being you I was greeted by. Jayyson who didn’t seem to happy to see me. We got in an argument and he told me to never come near you or the house again. So I was thinking about going back up state and I was just driving around trying to clear my head when I saw zee walk into this house with jayyson and I didn’t think too much of it until today when I saw your car in the drive way. So I knocked and here you are.

She looked at me still confused I thought I had covered everything but apparently not. Then I remembered I never explained why I came back. So as she was about to open her mouth to say something I leaned down and kissed her slowly yet deeply. At first she didn’t kiss back but then after a minute or so she began to kiss back. I swiped my tongue across her bottom lip begging for entrance and she let me shockingly. Our tongues intertwining with each other. I didn’t stop until I needed to breathe. But even then I wasn’t far away from her for my forehead I missed you so much I whispered as I pecked her lips again before pulling away completely. She looked dazed and the smile plastered across her face told me more than what her mouth was saying. She had been waiting for me and when she attacked my lips again confirmed it.

Alex’s POV

Our make out session had gotten pretty hot and heavy oh how I missed him and I didn’t want him to leave me ever again. Sometime into our make out session our shirts had disappeared leaving me free to explore he bare chest with my hands.

His hand rubbing my sides then going to my back and pushing me into him . Where i ended up straddling him. I was grinding against his lap now his lips attacking my neck when we were roughly pulled apart.


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