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I can't sleep at all so I go to check on Spencer. At first it looks like she's sleeping, but I open the door and I realize that she's awake. "Hey Spencer...... How's it goin" I say. "I screwed up Belle. I should be out there fighting with Luke, but I had to be hero didn't I? I'm so stupid. I jumped in front of an enemy because I thought he was on our side and there was an arrow flying at him. Well, dumb idea cause he drove his knife into my shoulder. God I'm an idiot." She says. "No your not. What if the kid was on our side. You would've saved him." I say. "Yeah well he wasn't....... How's your stomach?" She asks. "It doesn't really hurt anymore." I say. "God... Jake was so worried about you. He was scared when he had to leave you here alone. He can only heal wounds, not illness so when he found out you had a fever because of the cut...... He thought you were gonna die. He really does love you Belle." She says. "So what about you and Luke?" I try to change the subject. "God I love him. He just makes me happy. He's always cracking jokes and....." She stops. "Well, I'm happy for you." I say.I hear footsteps in the hall. "You better go. I'm supposed to be resting; so are you." Spencer says.
I leave the room. I start to walk down the hallway and I stop. Someone's there. "I see you're feeling better." It's May. "Yeah.....Why aren't you out fighting?" I ask. "Good question, but....... I'd keep your mouth shut if I were you." She says. I'm in complete shock. Did she really just say that? "You see Belle, you're a threat to me and the other Callers. You have the power to kill us. I pretended to be your friend, which was so hard, so you could get comfortable with me." She says in a sharp tone. She pauses for a moment. "Leon let me kill your mother. It was such a rush. I walked into your house and it was so funny because your mom thought I was you. She ran out into the family room and when she saw me she had a puzzled look. I loved the feeling of watching the life leave her. It was so...... Refreshing." She says. I start to back up slowly. "You're gonna be difficult aren't you. That's ok I like to have a challenge." She starts after me. I try to run but my stomach starts to cramp. She grabs a hold on my arm. I look down and her finger nails are digging into me. Piercing deep holes into me. I shut her hand with fire. She let's go and I start to run. I'm not watching where I'm going and I trip. May tackles me on the ground. She claws at me. I kick her in the stomach and she flys off of me. I don't know how I just did that. I shoot fire at her, but she ducks. She flys across the hallway and digs her nails into my almost healed wound. It feels like a knife plunging through my skin. I'm not going to make it. This is how I'm going to spend my last minutes. I didn't even get to see Jake.
"Any last words sweetheart?" She says in an innocent tone. "Go to Hell!" Someone yells. May turns her head and she's still on top of me. I can't tell who it is. "Came to join the party I see? Is that sweet Belle? Your true love came to witness your death." She says. "More like yours!" Jake yells. I can't believe he's here. May gets off of me and goes to fight Jake. Two people come over to me to help me up. "Didn't want to just let ya die." It's Luke and Spencer is with him. "I thought you were supposed to be resting?" I say sarcastically. "The hell with it." Spencer laughs. I want to help Jake with May. After all she did just try to kill me. Spencer and Luke take me to Spencer's room which is just down the hall. I look in the mirror and I'm cut up pretty bad. There are finger nail marks on my arms and cheeks.
"You're lucky Spencer heard the commotion in the hallway. You would have been dead if we wouldn't have came." Luke says. "Yeah. I heard voices in the hall so I opened my door and I saw May on top of you. Luke was coming here to check on me anyways so when I was leaving the building to go find someone, I ran into him. Then he got Jake." Spencer explains. "The Callers and what was left of there army left. We have to move all of the bodies." Luke says. It's silent for a minute. It scares me because it makes me think Jake is dead. Someone opens the door. "She got away." It's Jake. I get up and go over to him as fast as I can. He carefully puts his hands around my waist and kisses me. I zone everything out. It's like it's just me and Jake in our own world. "Hello...... We're still here." Spencer breaks are little moment. "How are you?" He asks. "Perfect." I say. I just stare into his eyes.
"So you said she got away." I say. "Yeah." Jake says. "Let's find her and finish her off." Luke says. "Yeah. She almost killed Belle. We have to kill her." Spencer adds. "She probably went back to the Callers fortress in Chicago." Jake says. "Then let's go get her." I say.

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