this is when Parker talks about how they forced the costume on him

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The boys shoved him into the bathroom. He stumbled and hit the sink, but they didn't care. He was going to do what they wanted whether he liked it or not.

Bennet closed the door and slowly locked it. When they were sure that they had privacy, Declan took off his shirt, slowly and seductively biting his lip as he did so.

"Me first.", he said in a low husky voice. " Hey, I wanted to go first.", Jordan whined. "I said, me, first.", Declan replied sternly. "Gee, sorry.", Jordan answered. "It's okay. You can go next, we all know that the last round is the longest and the best.", Bennet ensured him.

Parker looked at the godlike men before him with a confused expression on his face. "Please don't hurt me!", he cried.

"Now why would we wanna do that?", Declan cocked his head to the side. "We just wanna have a little fun.", he mused. He came closer to him until there was little to no space left between them.

Jordan zipped down his pants and Bennet grabbed the lotion. "We should have some fun of our own. Don't you think?", he asked Bennet who nodded in agreement. "Well, go on then.", Jordan rushed.

" Patience." He simply replied. Declan then slowly removed Parker's pants. "Are you gonna rape me?", Parker asked in a scared tone. "It's not rape if you consent.", Jordan said wiggling his eyebrows.

Parker visibly gulped with eyes as wide as saucers. Suddenly, the three musketeers erupted with laughter, leaving Parker just as confused as he was before.

"You-", pant, "should", giggle, " have-" And he was off again. Declan was laughing so hysterically that he couldn't get a full sentence out.

"That was priceless!", Bennet exclaimed. Jordan was now rolling on the floor with a spot of liquid showing through his boxers. " Oh no!", he cried.

Bennet and Declan were laughing ten times harder now. They couldn't believe what was happening. "Is anyone going to explain what the hell is going on?!", Parker yelled.

After about 5 more minutes of non-stop laughter, the boys finally caught themselves. "It was a prank!", Bennet huffed out. "You've got to be kidding.", Parker facepalmed. "That's what you get for not listening.", Declan said with a satisfied look on his face.


Hi friends :) Thank you so much for reading this lil one-shot thing. A lot of you liked it and I'm glad that you did :D I don't even know how this got so popular (Yes I know right now that it's only 80 something views but for me, that's popular enough) I just was thinking about what happened and how they convinced him to wear the costume and somehow this is what my 2 brain cells came up with. Crazy right? Anyway, I don't know if I'm gonna write any more of these, I can't really say honestly. Oh also thank you Rubix for reading I appreciate that  it made me feel special 😄 Well that's all bye :D

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2020 ⏰

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