Like it's here I belong

69 2 4

This story contains:
Mentions/description of a panic attack, Endeavor being an ass,
Discussion of an arranged marriage and Some cursing (not a lot)

Please refrain from reading if you're triggering or offended by any of that.
Luv u either way 🖤

Get a load of this monster, he doesn't know how to communicate. His mind is in a different place will everybody please give him a little bit of space.

Get a load of this trainwreck,  his hair's a mess and he doesn't know who he is yet. But little do we know the stars welcome him with open arms.

There's a knock on his door and Izuku removes his earbuds
"It's unlocked" I wonder if it's Uraraka?
The door opens and there stands Todoroki. His face looks as stoic as ever, but Izuku can tell that something's off. He can see it in the subtle tremors that goes through his hands and in the way his eyes are glazed over like he's not fully there.

"Midoriya-" He takes a deep, shaky breath "I'm getting married" what? whatwhatwhatwhatwhat

"Uh what?" Did he really hear that right?

"Midoriya my-uh-my father he's marry-marrying me of I don't-ah know what to do I I can't I-" His voice breaks and Izuku can feels his chest getting tighter like somethings strangling his heart and -oh shit Shoto has gone from monotone to hyperventilating.

"Oh Shoto," and somewhere along the line he became Shoto in his mind, Shoto who's strong yet vulnerable, hard to approach yet a good friend, stoic yet so emotional.

Izuku opens his arms, "come here ok? It's gonna be alright." Shoto gives him a somewhat nod but doesn't really approach much. Izuku realizes that he's still hyperventilating and the tremors in his hands have turned into full on shaking. Is he having a panic attack?

He stands up and walks slowly towards the other boy "I'm gonna put a hand on your shoulder, is that ok Shoto?" Said boy gives him a shaky nod and Izuku completes the action. "Do you have anything you usually do to make it pass?"

"Nh-no," Shoto's voice is shaky and Izuku can feel his heart ache "juh-just wait fo-ho-or it To-ho go-ha- away." It's so painful to watch his best friend who's always so composed, look so broken down.

"Ok, do you wanna go sit on the bed?" Another nod but slightly hesitant
"Or do you want to go back to your room?"

"No!" Shoto has this look on his face, it's a look that Izuku's only seen twice, when they fought Stain and during the attack on the training camp. "Dont lea-h-eave me, please." A hand is gripping the end of Izuku's shirt and when he looks up to meet Shoto's eyes he feels his own eyes sting. Because in Shoto's eyes there's real fear. Fear of his past, fear for his future, fear of being abandoned, fear of being left to his father's control, fear of being judged for his fear. There's just so much fear.
He looks terrified.

"I would never," he tries to assures the shaking boy "let's sit down for a bit ok?" Izuku tries to force a comforting smile onto his face but it's extremely difficult when all he wants to do is cry, cry for his friend and all he's endured and continues to endure due to Endeavor. He puts a hand on Shoto's upper back and carefully stirs him towards the bed. He doesn't mention Shoto's blurry eyes or the death grip he still has Izuku's shirt in, just helps him get seated on the bed leaning against the headboard. Izuku joins him and then they sit in silence for awhile, only Shoto's quick breaths and gasps for air can be heard. Shoto sits closest to the wall and Izuku really hopes that it doesn't make him feel claustrophobic or caged in.

After a while Shoto calms down slightly and slowly rests his head against Izuku's shoulder. Izuku doesn't mind but it feels a bit chilly and he contemplates grabbing his limited edition, silver age All Might blanket that lies at the foot of his bed, but he doesn't want to take the risk of Shoto not placing his head back on his shoulder when he's done.

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