Some days

17 2 1

Got tagged again yay?
Anyway I got tagged by anxious_trashk

Full Name
I go by Aj-Chan but my real first name is Aurora...(I hate it because I was bullied for having it in grade school)

Zodiac Sign
Leo (August 4th)

3 Fears
Toxic people
The other versions of myself

4 Motivators
Saiouma (can be images or writing even playing DRV3)
Angst to fluff fanfics
My writing updates (they help me get up in the mornings)
Anime (sometimes watching anime can motivate me more than talking to people or watching inspiring videos)

4 Demotivates
Getting Messages from my toxic friend
My past

Best Friend
I just got out of a toxic friendship...but I'm not sure. So many people are nice to me so I don't know! Thank you all for being so kind to me!

Sexual Orientation
Lesbian (but I am not against dating males, or having feelings for them...I'm just more attracted to females in a certain way if you get what I mean)

First Date
Depends on what you call a date. I haven't been on a real date (but when me and my toxic ex friend were 'dating' I asked her on a couple of dates but she was on her phone the whole time)


-Thank you for tagging me! I was surprised when I got a message that I was tagged! Thank you for reading!!-


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