Smoke and Mirrors

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You shouldn't be surprised that I've come up with another gruesome one shot, specifically another yandere one. So, beware. Blood, death scene, insanity and so on is involved. Oh, did I mention it's also technically a song shot too? The song used is Smoke and Mirrors by Jayn, have a listen to it before reading. Haha, enjoy.

A musty and metallic smell was the first thing Lloyd had picked up upon recovering from his sudden blackout. The next thing his clouded mind noticed was a painful stinging coming from his wrists and shoulders. He hissed softly, the pain coming from his body was starting to become more aware now. Forcing his heavy eyelids to open didn't help his situation at all, the only thing he got at first glance was murky darkness. 

He closed his eyes again, squeezing them shut tightly before peeling them open one more time, his focus not as blinded as a few moments ago. Checking his new surroundings, Lloyd could hardly recognise where he was. Cement floor, towering walls and yellow dingy light bulbs hung across the roof of the building. He had never seen this place before in his life, so how did he get here? Why couldn't he remember.  

His head snaps up at break a neck speed, the muffled yet pained pleads of a person startling him. He wasn't alone, and someone needed his help. He goes to move, but his arms a yanked harshly behind him, his body almost falling back with its sudden force. 

"What?" He mutters, though his voice carries out through the large space like an annoying echo. He winces at the sound and twists his head around, eyes widening. 

His arms were clasped by a thick rope, tightened tightly around his wrists that connected to the wall. His arms were crossed behind him in an odd angle, almost like he was getting handcuffed, yet this was more painful and irritating around his wrists. 

"Oh, you're awake." A familar soft voice glides through his ears, instantly gaining his attention. His eyes strain against the disgusting colour of the lights, coming to meet a pair of hazel-green ones. 

"Alyssa?" Lloyd feels his body relax once he notices it was a friend hidden against the shadows, a small laugh bubbling from his throat. "You playing some kind of game? What's it called?" 

His grin slowly slips away at Alyssa's straight face, his head tilting to the side as he watches her move towards a large sheet covered outline of an item with wheels, pulling it till it was a few yards in front of him. "Alyssa?" 

"This isn't a game, Lloyd." Her monotone voice sends sparks of dread down his spine, his arms aching in their position. 

Alyssa moves so she was standing in front of the sheet covered object, and now Lloyd could tell the cries of help he heard earlier were coming from under the sheet. 

"H--Hey, what's going on? What did you do--" Lloyd tenses his muscles up again at the females sudden grin, a wide toothy smile spread across her lips. 

"Oh, Lloyd." She giggles, one hand held behind her back while the other reaches up to grip the sheet hiding whatever it was, whoever, was behind it. 

"I never meant to call you out. I've always seen behind your smoke and mirrors." A soft purple hue drifts out of her mouth at her words, her eyes glinting dangerously. 

"Oh, sweetheart, please don't yell at me, it really isn't hard to see, the truth that's rotting underneath.

She roughly grips the grey sheet between her fingers before yanking it harshly over the person, the fabric falling to the dusty floor. Lloyd felt his heart thump frantically in his chest, green eyes staring wide eyed. 

Being held up by chains from the wrists was Harumi, her mouth covered by tape. She was dangling mid air, her face splotchy from dried tears and new tears. She stared back at Lloyd, her muffled screaming caught by the tap. 

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