Chapter 18

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"You can't just make me different and then leave."

Camila's P.O.V.

From: Lauren
Camila! Where are you?? You're never this late.

I signed at my cell phone and Dinah shot me a sympathetic look. She took the device from me and placed it out of my reach, telling me to stop worrying. I whined childishly and tried to retrieve it, but Dinah slapped my hand away. She explained that I'm only going to make it worse if I keep talking to Lauren.

"Besides, this is our time, I don't want you texting your frantic girlfriend while I'm around. Tell me about stuff, besides Lauren of course."

I groaned and started to talk about my grades. Dinah rolled her eyes and asked me to talk about something I actually cared about. I huffed in frustration and talked about the drama surrounding my name now. Apparently I am a slut that can't keep her mouth shut.

Dinah seemed to like the rhyme. She didn't really acknowledge that people thought I slept with someone because that would require talking about Lauren and she didn't want me to even indirectly speak about her. She just said that my reputation was extremely incorrect and people who actually knew me would never think I'm a slut.

I moved on to something else because I hated talking about the new reputation I've picked up. I asked Dinah about Siope, her boyfriend. She lit up immediately and told me how he had planned a special date for them tonight. I nodded along and pretended to be excited for her. Really, Dinah's functional relationship just made me wish for one with Lauren. No. Don't think about her Camila, listen to Dinah.

Dinah continued on about her romantic night with Siope and I listened semi-consciously, trying to focus on not thinking about Lauren. I heard her mention something about a double date and I was finally listening. Was I hearing that right? Is she suggesting a double date with Lauren and I?

"Ally and Troy invited us out to dinner with them, I still don't know if I want to go though, I guess it would make things less uncomfortable but.." I stopped listening after I had verified she wasn't saying what I thought she was.

My phone started to buzz violently, going off every few seconds with a new message. Dinah looked down at it and rolled her eyes when she saw Lauren's name. She pushed the phone farther away from me and I whined childishly, begging her to let me see what my girlfriend was saying. She looked down at the device and read through what the messages said quickly.

"She's just saying that she misses you and that she's sorry for what she did. She's still waiting for you to show up, but she doesn't expect you to anymore." Dinah explained and I snatched the phone away from her, reading the messages for myself.

From: Lauren
Camz? Why aren't you answering? Why aren't you here? I miss you :(

From: Lauren
I'm sorry if I upset you earlier today...I didn't mean to. I won't do it again.

From: Lauren
I'll still be here if you decide you want to come over. Don't think you have to though. I understand.

From: Lauren
I have a surprise for you ;)

I felt my heart swell in anticipation as I read the final message and I stood up, moving towards the door. Dinah placed a hand on my shoulder as if to stop me, but she quickly pulled it away. She knew she couldn't control me when it came to my girlfriend. She simply sighed and allowed me to leave, exiting right behind me. We walked down my stairs together and when we reached the door she gave me a distant and slightly cold goodbye before she turned and went out onto the sidewalk. I felt bad watching her go but I couldn't bring myself to regret it when I could see Lauren instead. I love Dinah and I love hanging out with her, but nothing beats being around Lauren.

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