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Story based on anime, it is actual confirmed canon event.

So Bakugou woke up one day with the rumblies in tummy for yummy. The dorm was pretty fukin dark if I say so myself cause it was like 4 am or some shit so he made his way quietly to the kitchen. "Damn, should i eat some The Secret Life of Pets 2 Life Cereal or some ice cream?" He though aloud while tbinking.

"Stop!" Denki says, his Hogwarts robes dangling on the ground.

"JWHAT?" Bakugou snaps at him.

"The ice cream was used for yanking the crank of Voldemight!" He raises his oak wand into the air, waving it around his silver beard.

"What the fuck?"

"My name is Albus Denkidore. I'm here to save yoi."

Bakugou, with a soul-eating glare, opens the fridge and whips out the ice cream.

"Stop at once! It was—"

But it was too late. Bakugou was already digging into the ice cream. As soon as he did, a bright green flashed beamed across all of UA, stemming from the Voldemight cream filled ice cream. The students burst out of theouf door roomsp.

"What the TRUCK?!" Iida shouted with his sonic boots.

"Is everything okay?(!?!?!?!??!?!" Deku shouted with his broccoli boots.

"Yeah, WHATD wtong?" Kirishika shouted with his croc boots.

Then, they saw the incident. Bakugou laying on the floor, a lightning shaped scar across his forehead, not breathing. Kirishima immediately pickled him up and, with the power of his muscular ass thick thighs, he jumped through the window and soared thru the sky to the hosptialz. A . They was at the hospital bed.

"R u dead?" Asked kirishim.
"Yegah," says bak uh oh.
"NONONONONO!" Cries Mr. Kirishima. He wenthome  afters shooting the ceiling and cried, cuz he missed his wigga. But he could Vavenge him, using the Yank Crank Voldemight ice cream. He had to figure this out.

O shit there's Voldemight

Kirishima misses his m WIGGA Where stories live. Discover now