Chapter 1.

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'Dear diary,
Today is the beginning of my end ...'

Guinevere Dartsworth thought she was being a tad bit dramatic with such an announcement in ink, but the day was of an unusual sort. Heck, her life was of an unusual sort. To an outsider she was born to an affluent family, her father, Lord Dartsworth was a prominent member of the Avalon clan as well as the Manor lord and held trading ties with Highreach, the capital of Avalon, her twin sister, Gwendolyn was, till an hour ago, the bride to-be of King Davien who governed the whole of the Northern Isles from his regnal seat at Avalon , and her mother was a society dame. She shouldn't want for anything, in theory atleast. But that had never stopped her heart from aching. Growing up in the manor had never been ... easy to say the least. She had quickly learnt her father was wasted in his want for a son and her mother had long ago barred him from her chambers, preferring substance abuse to her father's attentions. She had grown up along with her sister in an almost parent free environment, the result of which was her dear sister's behaviour and general outlook towards life.
Gwendolyn was a bully, and Guinevere was her prime target since inception. She hid behind her honeyed hair and hazel eyes and had the portrayal of an angel child perfected to a T. When the world wasn't looking she relished in wreaking havoc in Guinevere's life. Today was their 16th birthday, and Gwendolyn had pulled off the biggest upheaval in their lives yet. She had run away with nary a note of her whereabouts, with Lord Dryfruid, *her* intended. And now His Majesty, The King Davien Archival Abernathy of the Avalon paced exactly one floor above her, unaware his real bride had absconded. Her father had had no qualms in telling Guinevere to step into her sister's dress and march down the aisle in exactly half an hour, lest she keep 'The King' waiting.
Guinevere palmed her forehead and sighed. Her world was messed up. Sixteen year olds getting married, parents in absentia and sine conscientia, torturing twins who took off with the man she was supposed to marry and a delerict manor inside and out. But the world she was about to venture was even more surreal.
Because the wedding would take place. And she would be the bride.

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