3. Hotheads and Howlers

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"I'll walk you, it's fine." Isola tells me, and I abide.

I pack up my things from Potions, where Isola was speaking with Professor Slughorn. He likes her more than he likes Maxim, as soon as he heard the name Yaxley, he was put off, though Max doesn't mind. He's put off by his own name, too.

We bid goodbye to Daphne, and walk out of the classroom.

"I absolutely adore Arithmancy." She tells me and I nod, because I do know. "Same time tomorrow for the homework?"

I nod as a thank you, because she always helps me with my Arithmancy homework, then add a comment on prediction of the future using probability that I didn't understand from last class.

She just shakes her head, not giving me any kind of answer. Her eyes are looking far, like they usually do, and she probably has something on her mind. I don't say anything else.

When we reach the classroom, Professor Vector greets Isola instead of me ("Oh, Miss Berg, how lovely to see you!"), and starts praising one of her star pupils. I go to sit down at the table behind Granger, who looks a bit taken back at the lack of attention she's getting from the teacher. She stares at Isola, almost like she can't believe someone could be more liked by a professor than her.

When Isola leaves, Professor Vector moves to the front of the class and waits for the last students to trickle in.

Arithmancy isn't the most popular subject, so for the most part, nearly everyone can sit in a desk by themselves - save for a few Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs that group together with housemates and friends. The only other Slytherin in the class is Theodore Nott, and, not that I have anything against him personally, I'd prefer to sit by myself.

"Alright, I believe you all have had enough time to adjust." The Professor leans against her desk as she surveys us, almost like counting. I believe she can predict who will drop the class each year. "We'll begin with your project. It'll take most of the year and will count for 45% of your grade."

No one says anything.

"Using numerical probability, you will pick something - an event or other - and predict the chances of it coming true, false, and remaining stationary. Throughout intervals in the year, you will present your findings and recordings - yes, Miss Granger?"

The Gryffindor lowers her hand, other one writing furiously on her parchment before she looks up at the teacher.

"Is this individual, Professor?" She asks.

"Well, no." Vector answers and looks at the class again. "Now that the last one's gone, we have enough for pairs."

"Are we picking our partners?" A Ravenclaw asks from behind me.

"I suppose..." Vector draws out, and immediately the same Ravenclaw exclaims who they want as their partner, prompting a Hufflepuff to do the same. The teacher takes out a piece of parchment and starts jotting down those who are shouting, along with those who they are shouting about.

I raise my hand.

"Miss Moreau." She nods to me and the class stops their noisemaking.

"I'll be Granger's partner." I say and the girl in front of me whips her head around to look back at the girl who spoke her name. Her eyes run over me in surprise and confusion, as if wondering who I am and why I want to be her partner. But Vector agrees, and the only Gryffindor in the class turns to the Professor, about to comment when she shuts her down, writing the last pair and placing down the parchment.

"I expect you all to meet frequently to chart, this is N.E.W.T level Arithmancy, if you wanted to sit around counting Hippogriff, you wouldn't be in this class." She speaks. "Now get with your partners, first interval is the second week of December, be prepared to present."

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