Chapter 2

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I cry everytime I see that gif

I awoke the next morning to birds chirping. I sat up. Baby looks different. What the hell? I looked at my hands. Omp. Im a fucking cartoon. Did I get drugged? I opened the door and stepped out. I was in a dessert. It looked familiar but none of it looked real. It looked like I was in a cartoon. I looked up to see a huge bird flying toward me. As it got closer I noticed the wings weren't flapping. I squinted my eyes. Oh. My. Primus. I got in Baby and red streaks flew past me. Its laserbeak. Who tf drugged me. What type of weird dream am I in. I continued to drive away from , uh, Laserbeak. Never thought I'd be saying that. He continued to shoot at me. Please, Primus help me. Just then headlights shone through my windshield. I then noticed it was a semi. Optimus? I slammed on my breaks. This is getting out of hand. Optimus continued to drive towards Laserbeak and he flew away. I got out of baby. "Optimus." I said as i walked towards him. He transformed right around me. I just seen that in person. Omp.
"How do you know me?" He asked me as he crouched in front of me. His voice sounds sexier in real life.

"Optimus, I dont expect you to believe me, but i think im in a different dimension."

Optimus' optics went zoomed in and out. He transformed. "Follow me." I got in baby and followed him. Are we going to base? Yep. We pulled into the giant rock thing. Forgot what they were called. We drove through the tunnel and went into the main hanger. Ratchet was the only one there.

"Another human?"asked Ratchet. Optimus transformed and I got out.

"Tell him what you told me." He said.
"I think im from another dimension." I said.

"She knew my name." Said Optimus.

"Is that right?" He asked. "Whats my name?"

"Ratchet. You're the medic. Just like Optimus is the leader. He used to be known as Orion Pax. Megatron used to be his brother. I also know Bulkhead, Bee, Arcee, Smokescreen, Ultra Magnus, Wheeljack,  Jack, Miko, Raf, Fowler, Starscream, knockout, you get the point."

"Who are you?"  Asked Optimus

"Skylar Lee. Also, you guys look like cartoons. I'm supposed to look realistic. You guys are a TV show I watch back at home."

"We look realistic." Said Ratchet.

"Sure you do. Anyways. I have no idea what I am doing here or how I got here."

"Ratchet we need a bridge." Said Bulkhead. Ratchet opened the groundbridge. Bulkhead drove in. Miko got out and Bulkhead transformed.

"Hi, im" started Miko.

"Miko, yes I know." I said.

"Have we met?"

"No. Hello Bulkhead. Its a honor to meet you."

"Uh, you too." He said.

"Ratchet, we require a ground bridge." Said Ultra Magnus. I love him. My favorites go Optimus, Smokescreen, and Ultra Magnus. Then all the others are tied. Ratchet opened another bridge. Ultra Magnus, and Smokescreen drove through. I was shaking.

"Sir." I said. As Ultra Magnus
transformed. I saluted him.

"I like this one." He said.

"Smokescreen!" I then ran to him and hugged his ped.

"Um, hi. Who are you?"

"Ill explain again once the others get here." Everyone finally returned from scouting for Energon.

"Now," Said Ultra Magnus. "Who are you?" So, I told them the same thing I told Optimus and Ratchet. Everyone was shocked.

Thats so cool.  Beeped Bee.

"I can understand you!?" I asked.

Optimus agreed he would watch over me. I have a huge crush on Optimus and I see Smokescreen as a bestfriend. The bots took their humans home. I slept on the couch since I don't live in Jasper, Nevada.

"Sir." Said Ultra Magnus. I wasn't sleeping because I was too happy.
"What are we going to do about the girl?"

"We protect her." Said Optimus "the decepticons clearly know about her."

"I hope shes not like the other girl."

"No." Said Optimus. "She will fit perfectly with the team." I smiled. "Head into recharge commander." Ultra Magnus then walked to his birth room. Optimus was the only one left. I peeped my eyes open and noticed Optimus looking at me.
"Optimus, why me?" I asked as i sat up. He walked over to me.

" I do not know. But I know Primus did this for a reason. Know, rest. You've had a long day."

"Thank you." I said. He put a digit by me and i hugged it.

"You are welcome." I let go and he walked away flipping the lights off. I sighed and closed my eyes.

"Skylar." Called a voice. All i could see was blackness. "Listen carefully, sparkling. You are not who you think. This world needs you. After you help the autobots you will have a choice that will change your life forever." I sat up. The lights were on and the sound of ped steps were everywhere.

Nice car beeped Bee.

"Thanks." I got up and climbed down. Smokescreen walked in. "Wheres Optimus?"

"Out patrolling. Why ask?"

"Im hungry and I wanted to see if he could take me to get food. I'll just drive myself."

"I can take you."


"Yeah. I don't have anything else to do." He transformed and I climbed in. "Where to?"

"Not sure. Just drive."

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