Chapter Nineteen

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The expression on Delilah's face when I barged into her room was priceless. It also was telling. I'm not wrong. She doesn't fully see it yet, but her and I? We're happening. I tried to ignore it. Deny it. Stifle it. Refuse it. But deep in my soul and heart, I knew. Delilah and I were meant to be. John's letter unlocked the gate and allowed every feeling I dreaded that labeled me an asshole, to spring free. Then, I remembered Zann's party. I had RSVP'd weeks ago that I was coming with a plus-one. Funny thing. I couldn't bring myself to ask Jana. Again, that ridiculous divine intervention at work. Paving the way for Delilah and me. I swear John is up there orchestrating this whole thing and laughing his ass off as he watches me squirm.

The ride to the Beverly Wilshire Hotel is quiet. I don't miss that Delilah steals curious glances my way. For my part, I'm dying to rest my hand on her thigh. As we pull up at the valet station, I signal the guy to give us a moment. I can't take Delilah in there without a few words. Not if I want the night to go the way I hope it will. With a giant step forward into uncharted territory.



"Relax. This is a date. I've decided I want to see what happens here." I wag a finger between the two of us. "I hope you'll be on board. Trust me. Please." She blinks a half-dozen times and nods. Delilah doesn't know what the hell to think or how to react. She's scared and I don't blame her. I'll show her, though. I'm filled with hope and determination and, call me crazy, John's nudging me forward on this. He is. Rounding the car, I help Delilah out and escort her inside, my hand resting firmly on her lower back. She doesn't shrink away. It's a small win. I'll take it. I'll take as many damned small wins as I can get tonight and every other night. Then, I'll keep adding them together until there's no doubt whatsoever that we belong together.

As we enter the small ballroom where the bash is being held, Delilah stops abruptly.

"James? What will everyone say when they see us together?"

"They'll think that we are here to wish Zander and Lisa all the happiness in the world."


"Don't overthink it. I'm not going to molest you in front of our friends. I can be discreet, D-doll." I lean in so only she can hear my next words. "I won't however, pretend I don't have the major hots for you, babe." Delilah flushes as deep as that red dress, which makes me chuckle. "You're here on my arm. And, I'm proud of it." With that, my arm loops over her shoulder and we enter the party. I spot Zann and Lisa across the room, and steer us in that direction. Honestly, I'd planned to give Zann a heads-up, but we played phone tag for two days.

"Hey, man, congrats." I disengage from Delilah in order to share a bro hug with Zann as she gives a warm hug to Lisa. "About time you two do the thing."

"Yeah, it is." Zann beams at his fiancee and slaps my arm. "I figured I better set a precedent for the rest of you fools. Hey Delilah, glad you could make it. Thanks for bringing her JD." What's left unsaid is he thinks Delilah is here in John's place.

"Zander, congratulations. I'm so happy for the two of you." She smiles happily at Zann. "When's the wedding?"

"In about six months, maybe? We haven't set a date yet." I slip my arm around Delilah's waist, a gesture that does not go unnoticed by Zander, whose eyes scrunch in confusion. Delilah stiffens slightly, but I squeeze her hip and, surprisingly, she relaxes. "So, uh, how've you been Delilah?" Ooh, now he's fishing. I pull her a little closer. Maybe I'm messing with Zann, but damned this feels fucking fantastic.

"I'm good. Real good. Things have been going well. Shop is busy." Her smile is genuine and beautiful. Everything about this woman is stunning.

Zann swings his focus back to me. "How's the new place? Getting used to the life of an LA bachelor?" Jesus, could he be more obvious? Again, Delilah stiffens at the suggestion that I'm out scoring with a different chick every night. Shut. That. Down.

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