[ chapter 2 ]

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Chapter 2
Three Unknown men and the beast

 Chapter 2 Three Unknown men and the beast

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When I awoke from that horrible dream, I realized I'm not laying in my bed with lavender blankets covering me. I'm being carried by an unknown man with another unknown man leading us to the destination.

I noticed another man following behind the one carrying me. What was so special about me to go to this trouble? I need to get back to my coven. Before I could try to struggle out of the man's grip around my small body, he lay me down in a meadow once they got out of the forest.

The men sat down by my barefoot which I could tell they were already dirty and a bit bloody from me running from that wolf. WAIT... where is the wolf?! Everything seemed to click in my mind these men were Werewolves and I know from Ines talking so much that these men must need me for a spell. But why me? Every witch and warlock of my coven was there at my ascending.

"Why?" I blurted out.
Their facial expressions changed from nothing to looks of confusion. "Why, what?" The man in the middle answered, I noticed he looked little bit taller than the other men on each side of him. "Why did you capture me?" I asked with determination in my voice while sitting up and staring at each the men expecting an answer.

"Your asking the wrong person, love," answered another man with an english accent. He had auburn hair hanging in front of his eyes, he was friendlier looking than the tall man and the one on his right.

I went to stand up when all the men got up immediately from their sitting spots. "If none of you headasses is going to tell me why I'm here then clearly I'm not needed anymore," I said angrily marching off towards the forest we just came from. I was about to reach the trees when I felt scared, strong arms wrap around me and lift me from my spot. The person turned me back around toward the meadow where the men were still standing, but two smaller men had the look of horror while the taller man's face was stoic of emotion.

WAIT... If the three men that kidnapped me are standing in the meadow then, who the fuck is this?

"I've been waiting for you for quite awhile, little witch," a gruff voice said with a dark chuckle. How many more people are in on this?!

I try to pry my arms from under the scared ones, but to no use, it only caused the person to tighten their grip until my vision was becoming spotty and darkened until my body went limp.



I stare at the unconscious young witch in the meadow, she's going to have to help whether she likes it or not. Last night I would've fetched her myself but I was weak from breaking all those chains in that cave those traitors put me in.

My only option was to have my men bring her to me. I didn't really trust werewolves that much but I saved their lives which they owe me. What I didn't expect from the powerful witch was her fiery attitude, it always seemed to make me chuckle when something comes out of her mouth.

The last powerful witch I met cursed me for killing her familiar which I thought was a normal prey animal. Instead of me changing every full moon, I have to change every night in result makes me weak and defenseless.

"Sir?" Sven asked while looking down at the witch. Sven was the more built one of my men, he used to be a Beta in his pack. "Yes, Sven," I asked not bothering to look at him because I know he won't ever look me in the eye.

"How long are you going to keep her?" He responded with an emotionless tone. "However long I fucking want," I chuckled while thinking of ways to irritate the witch. Would I be able to taunt her if she doesn't agree to helping me? Oh, or I could just keep her all to myself?

I was suddenly brought out of thought when I saw the witch move a little bit I stood up from the rock I was sitting on. When her eyes opened I saw the most beautiful color of eyes ever; they were like pastel blue. I was to busy looking at her eyes to notice her narrow her eyes to a glare.

"Who are you?" She questioned while sitting with her arms braced behind her holding her up right. I gave her a serious look and crossed my arms over my chest. "You don't know who I am?" I asked while expecting her to give me a terrified when she connected the dots, but to my surprise she continued to glare at me.

"My name is Titus Volt," I answered sitting back down on the rock after realizing she most likely won't run at least not while I'm awake.
She finally gave me that look of terror I was expecting. "What do you want from me?" She replied while trying to hold back the tears in her watering eyes.

I felt bad for taking her away like that, but I have been waiting while for her to grow powerful enough to lift the curse. "Your helping in lifting my curse," I answered while trying to give a smile friendly enough to stop her eyes from watering only for her to narrow her eyes again.

"How dare you try to smile at me like I'm buying your friendly bullshit," she accused while swiping at her eyes to clean the tears.
I gave her the same narrowed eyes. "You know you don't have to act so nice to me because I'm your captive," she continued ranting.

"Good to know, I won't show you any hospitality then," I said getting off the rock and crouching in front of the girl while bringing my face up close to hers. "By the way you're helping me whether you like it or not, I might even keep you afterwards for help in the future," I threatened while smirking when seeing her reaction of anger and her hand smacking my cheek. I couldn't feel a thing, but deep inside I question my actions for a monster like the people thought I was. I felt like crying, no don't show weakness.

"I'm glad we share the same mutual dislike," I replied gruffly then standing and turning to Sven to watch her while I go to be alone with my thoughts.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2020 ⏰

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