Ernest :)

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PSA this one isn't the best so I apologize in ADVANCE.

I had good intentions I promise, maybe I'll flesh it out more another time. 

A big thank you to all of you that have read and voted on my stories :)) It means the world.

I always love reading through comments, so feel free to leave them :)

I have a few ideas for chapters in the future, so expect a few in the coming weeks.

Alright, here we go :)


    "Alright," I said, waddling into me and my husband George's shared bedroom, "The door's locked, the coffee pot is set, The binds are closed, We're ready." I finished while plopping my very pregnant self down on the mattress. I grunted in discomfort as I laid down, George cooing at me and scooting over so he could act as my belly support like he did most nights.

    He had been so supportive and wonderful through all of this. He had been at every single one of my doctors' appointments. He had put up with my occasional bitchy attitude, rarely getting snappy back at me. He had made sure I was comfortable at night and that I got a good night's sleep, always letting me rest my swollen belly on his stomach, even though I could tell it wasn't always comfortable for him. And he made sure I never had to lift a finger, scolding me if I even thought of doing anything strenuous. I honestly couldn't have asked for anyone better to experience this whole thing with. 

    I hummed as he reached over me and switched off the lamp that was illuminating the room on my side of the bed. He settled into the darkness and I rested my head on his bare shoulder, slinging my arm across his chest. 

    "I love you, baby." He said in a sleepy voice only after a few minutes of quiet, indicating how tired he must have been. 

     "I love you too George," I said with a smile, closing my eyes and letting sleep take over my brain.

    In what only seemed like a few seconds, but was obviously more than that as the moonlight in the room had shifted, my eyes cracked open. I wasn't sure why at first, then I felt it. The wet spot under me and the sudden sharp pain of what seemed to be a contraction, just like the doctors had told me about. I clenched my teeth and rode it out until the pain ceased for this time. 

    I twisted my head up and lined at George's moonlit features. He was out cold, lightly snoring and completely unaware. I reached my hand up and shook his shoulder gently, repeating his name until he sharply inhaled and made a muddy noise of confusion. 

    "George my water broke," I said to him once his eyes were slightly opened and fixed on mine sleepily. He gave me a confused look and flopped his head back down onto the pillow.

    "Jus' get another one baby," He said, annoyed that I had woken him up, and not understanding what I meant by it. 

     "No George. My water. I'm in Labor. The baby's coming." I said, rolling over and switching on the lamp. 

     "Wait, WHAT?!" He cried, my words immediately asking all drowsiness off of him. I stood up and pointed at the wet spot on the mattress. "HOLY SHIT." He said in realization, throwing our comforter off of him and standing up on his side of the bed. He put pants on and was about to put on a t-shirt when he quickly switched his frantic face over to me.

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