Chapter 18

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I touch the key necklace that Sawyer gave me for Christmas as Jo and I wait for Miami to come out from her house. Its the first day after the break, and that means going back to school. I've made up my mind, I hate school, and more importantly, I hate being late. Slamming my hand down on the horn, beckoning Miami to hurry the hell up, Jo gasps.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" She asks, frowning.

I shrugged. The boys would be in school today, and the trial started next week Monday. My nerves were all over the place. Miami swings open the back door, jumping into the back seat. "Sorry. Mom was giving me a pep talk on confidence and shit. As if Sawyer didn't give me enough of those over the Christmas break."

"Well, I know that I promised Sawyer I'd pick you up for school, but Miami, I swear to you, I will leave your ass if you're late again."

Jo turns and looks at Miami. "She's not joking."

"Duly noted."

Jo clears her throat. "So...Mark and I are kind of dating."

I roll my eyes. "Thanks for the confession. As if it was needed."

Miami chuckles. "Jo, we noticed. Especially when you two disappear for large periods of time and come back all hot and sweaty."

"We do not-"

"Yes, you do!" Miami and I yell, and I slam on my breaks as a car comes out of nowhere, stealing our parking space and making my car skid on ice. Once my car stops skidding, I angrily jump out of the car and walk to the Mercedes that almost killed not just me, but my friends. Guess what? Darren jumps out of the car, and smiles. I slap him across the face. “You son of a bitch!” I scream. “You almost killed us! For a fucking parking space! Or was it an accident, huh? Everytime you hurt or try to hurt us is it going to be an accident, huh?”

“Calm down, Coleman. It was a mistake.”

Thats it. I’m so mad that I can see the stars. I kick him in the private, hard, and walk back to the car. Slamming the door, I look at Jo and Miami. “You two okay?”

They nod, and I park the car. Once were inside, listening to everyone talk about either their Christmas break or the altercation outside, I stuff my nag into my small locker and wait on Miami and Jo to join me so that we can walk to chemistry class.

Miami comes out of the washroom, her fave red. "I don't know how you managed to throw up every day knowing that there is people laughing and making fun of you."

I shrug. "You get used to it, and tune them out."

Jo links arms with us, smiling. "Ready for biology, girls?"

My biology class isn't so bad, and the teacher is decent enough. Hailey and Darren sit in the back, and unfortunately, I have to sit right in front of them. Jo sits close to the window, and Miami sits right in the front. Lucky them.

"Welcome back, kids. How was the break?" Everybody starts to talk about their break all over again, and suddenly it feels like I can't breathe. My lungs are failing and I don't know what oxygen is anymore. And, to add to my distress, I peed myself. Like, a lot. Reagan, my ever so gentle daughter, kicks me so hard I cry out.

"Addison?" Mr. Ancher calls. "Are you alright?"

I shake my head frantically, and grip the edge of my desk until my knuckles turn white. "My...water...broke. So...much...pain."

In a heartbeat, Miami and Jo are in front of me. Mr. Ancher joins them, folding his arms. "Coleman, you aren't do until next week."

"I don't give two shits about due dates. I need to get to the hospital, now."

With that said, contraction number one hits.


Its been five hours since I got to the hospital, waiting for Addison to hurry up and give birth to Reagan. Her screams could be heard from the elevator, and when she couldn't scream anymore it turned into tears. Just when I think I can't wait anymore, I hear the wail of a newborn.

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