Chapter One: The Storm That Started It All

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Katie awoke to the sound of pouring rain pounding against her cabin's window. She looked around her cabin to see her siblings beginning to stir from their sleep.

"That's odd," mumbled Katie. It was normal for the occasional drizzle of rain in order to water the strawberry fields, but it never poured.

Katie climbed down from her bunk and found her half-sister, Miranda, already awake.

"I'm going to the Big House to try and find out what's going on," said Katie, "Would you mind keeping an eye on everyone?"

Miranda nodded.

Katie quickly got dressed and left her cabin. The rain had gotten heavier and she could barely see what was right in front of her.

She barely made it off the porch until she ran into someone.

"Stoll," Katie said, "What are you doing out here?"

"Probably the same thing as you," Travis said.

Katie groaned and kept walking. Travis quickened his pace in order to keep up with her.

The two made their way towards the Big House in silence until a lightning bolt struck.

Katie fell backwards onto the ground from the sudden impact. She tried to let out a scream, but nothing came out. Travis just stood almost in shock.

"Travis!" Katie cried out, but he was unable hear her due to the loud boom of thunder.

Katie picked her self up and frantically looked around to see Travis also looking around for her.

They rushed up into the porch of the big house and they both let out a breath that neither of them knew they were holding.

"Are you okay?" Travis asked with concern in his eyes.

"Yeah," Katie said, "What about you?"

"I'm okay."

Travis pounded on the Big House door until Chiron opened it and took in the demigods before him. Travis and Katie were soaked from head to toe. Katie's hair clung to her face and was dripping onto the porch. Travis was looking at her as well.

"Come in," said the centaur.

Katie wipes her shoes on the door mat before stepping inside after Travis. She rolled her eyes at his wet footprints.

Chiron, Dionysus, Rachel, and Annabeth were already sitting around a large wooden table typically used for head counselor meetings. Chiron was in his wheelchair form.

Everyone stared at each other in silence before Katie spoke.

"What in Zeus' name is going on!"

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