Is this me?

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I just look like a scrawny little boy. That's not who i am. Yes, maybe it is the son my parents knew, but i feel so wrong. So the other day i told my parents. They took me to a doctor, this doesn't mean they were unsupportive or really religious and going to get me 'cured'. They just wanted to be sure, ya know, that i wasn't just doing it for attention, or to fit in, because nowadays it's seen as quite normal for teens, they didn't want me to change for the sake of seeming 'qUiRkY'.
I walked into the doctors office, nervously, it didn't feel like all the previous times i went to the doctor as a kid, with the chickenpox, so glad to be missing school, and all for one lollipop and a tube of calamine lotion. This time, i felt like everyone was staring at me, like they were in on it, all some plan to humiliate me. Nothing had even happened, but i wanted the ground to swallow me up, and then cough me up somewhere far away, somewhere sunny and calm, where my identity doesn't matter, where i am accepted as me. Just as Alex.

You didn't have to, Alex.Where stories live. Discover now