Chapter 2

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Quick note before the crappy chapter. Just wanted to ask a question. Would you guys rather have frequent, short updates on all my stories. Or longer updates, about once every two weeks? Comment which you would prefer. A short update is about 1 page and longer updates are about 2-3 pages. I don't write 7 page updates like some writers, sorry. Also, please check out the Wattpad Hunger Games. Im a tribute for Nouis, so please ask me to not die if you like my writing. If i make it to the last 5, i will post 3 chapters a day for 3 days. Ok? Thats 9 chapters in 3 days! O_O Im done with my talking. Read the short chapter my beauties!

Ps. I love you, @Ilovezayn123. <3

*Harry's Pov*

<Niall age 8>

Niall is in school at the moment. Its after lunch and I'm counting down the moments till he gets home. Ive been making a list of all the things i love about Niall. He's so innocent. His beautiful blue eyes. His adorable teeth. His heart-melting smile. His loud, infectious laugh that makes you want to hug him. So far I've been reading his thoughts and his thoughts aren't very surprising. Mostly they are about food.

Niall's thoughts:

I'm hungry.

When is lunch?

I don't get this! Maybe a little snack will help?

Lunch. Lunch. Lunch.

YAY! Lunch time!

I'm all done eating my food, maybe that girl will share her cookies?

Nope, she doesn't share.

Maybe if I took it...

OW! She bit me!

Oh well, I'll just sit next to Josh.

Hey, Josh is kind of cute...

Maybe if I told him, we can be best friends.

Never mind, time for class again.

Ohmygosh I'm hungryyyy!

Food. Food. Food. Food.

Yay! Schools almost over! I will see my Hazza soon!

The last thought made me smile. He called me HIS Hazza. That comment made me smile a bit. The brunette is so adorable. His laugh is contagious and his smile is so cute. He hates his teeth, saying they make him look stupid, when they really make him so unique. Niall has grown since I first met him. His hair is a little longer and he is getting taller. He looks a lot like my old boyfriend, back when I was alive. Blue eyes, brown hair, pale skin, irish. Maybe they are related? Naw, thats impossible. I mean...i have no idea.

As i am thinking to myself, i hear the school bus stop in front of the house. Taking a quick glance out the window, i see a crying Niall walk off the bus and to the door. I immediately go rigid, preparing to defend Niall from anything that wants to hurt him. I sprint to the door and open it to a sobbing brunette. Scooping him up in my arms, i take him upstairs and put him on his bed and lay next to him. He cuddles into my side and sobs into my shoulder. I put my hand on his chin and make him face me, seeing his beautiful blue eyes filled with pain. Niall's chin wobbles as he tries to stop sobbing, silent tears running down his pale, smooth skin. It breaks my heart to see him like this. I remember when this happened last year, when a boy made fun of his teeth. A familiar anger filled me as i asked why the beautiful boy was crying. His response shattered me.

"J-J-Jo-osh h-hit m-me-e." Niall sobbed out, stuttering horribly. Some boy named Josh hit My Niall? Why? I wanted to skin this boy alive for hurting my Baby Nando's, because lets face it, who can hurt this adorable boy?! I know one thing. This Josh kid is going to have a little chat with me after school tomorrow. Calm down, I'm not going to beat up a second grader. I'm just going to.....'talk' to him.

(A/N: Im not sure if i should continue this story, so if you want me to continue this story, please comment WHY you want me to continue. Thanks! :D ) TRAILER LINK

I decided to continue with this chapter, you're welcome.


Its 10 minutes until Niall gets out of school and I'm waiting outside his school, leaving against my car. I'm waiting for this Josh boy. It seems that he hit my Nialler. Why? I don't know, but what i do know is that it's not going to happen again. As the bell rings signaling school is over, Niall runs up to me. I smile at the adorable blond in my arms. But time for business.

"Ni, where is Josh?" His smile instantly disappears and he points to an average looking boy. Brown hair, brown eyes, average height and slight muscle. Average bully. Getting Niall in my car with his seatbelt on, i walk over to the boy. His friends instantly scatter that the sight of a 6'2" adult walking to them, leaving Josh alone. Perfect. He looks up at me and i gasp. His eyes have a blank emptiness to them. He is a demon, and he is aware of his powers. He smiles, revealing a mouth full of pointed teeth. I catch a glimpse of his true form.

His skin is a sickly red, marked with black designs all over his face, neck, and arms. his fingernails are pointed, looking like claws. A single drop of blood drips from his mouth. His eyes are all black now, staring intently at me. Oh my god. He's not just any demon, he's the most powerful one that ever existed.

"Can i help you, puny angel?" He says in a deep, menacing voice that makes goosebumps appear on my arms. No one else can see him in his true form but me, so I'm trying to not attract attention. Only angels and other demons can see supernatural's true forms. I back up quickly and sprint for the car, starting the engine and racing home. I'm speeding, but i want to get Niall away from him. Arriving home, i tuck Niall in bed. He whispers words to me, words that scare me to my core, the he falls asleep.

"Why did Josh look so scary?"

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