Chapter One

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(play the song)
꧁Lilith Bayler꧂

"Help!" I scream as I run down the street of a neighborhood. My step-father was chasing me with a knife, I was already bleeding on my side. A gate was open, this was my chance. I ran inside the gate scream and banged on the door. Quickly, it opened with concerned faces. They seen me, a girl all bloody, and pulled me into the house. They locked the door behind me and grabbed paper towels.

"Call 911!" One of them shouted as they took off my shirt and started to put pressure on the wound. I was crying in pain and fear. "I don't want to die." I say quietly as I felt myself going numb. "Stay awake! Come on girl!" He shouts as he holds me in his arms. "Colby, put more pressure, keep her awake!" I heard in the distance.

He was trying his hardest to keep me awake. "Come on, stay with me." He says as he held me up a bit. He kept moving my face around and slapping it lightly to keep me awake. I felt really light. "I'm so tired...." I say softly and slowly as I look up at the boy in front of me. I heard sirens in the distance and let a few tears slip from my eyes. "Help me." Is the last thing that I said before everything went black.

*beep* *beep* *beep*

I woke up to the sound of beeping. My eyes burned. I opened them to see I was connected to a machine, wires everywhere. I started to sit up but felt a pain on my lower, right side. I pulled the blanket off to see my hip wrapped in gauze and bandages. I looked around, seeing two boys. One of them had brown hair and the other had blonde hair. The one with brown hair shifted in his seat and his eyes opened.

We made eye contact and he smiled. "You're awake, do you need anything? Water? Pain killers?" He asked as he walked over to my bedside. "N-no." I said, my voice hoarse. I looked around the room again and my eyes met his again. "Why am I here?" I was confused. I don't remember much from yesterday. Just that I was running and then passed out in that boys arms.

"You got stabbed by a man, they caught him a few hours ago." He said softly as he pulled his chair over. "What's your name?" He asks. I look down at my hands. "Lilith." I say softly before rubbing the side of my head. I winced in pain and scrunched up my face a bit. "Hey, careful." He said as he moved my hand from my face. "You're hurt pretty bad." I heard a click and footsteps, a nurse coming into view.

"Hi sweetie, how are you feeling?" She asks with a small smile. "I'm in a bit of pain." I say honestly. She would nod her head and write it down on the side of the paper she had. "Okay, I'm going to ask you a few questions, alright?" She asks with a sweet voice. I nod my head slightly and look at her, focused.

"What's your name?" She asks as she looks at me waiting for my answer. "Lilith Bayler." I say as I look at her and then the boy. "Alright, how old are you?" She asks as she writes something. "I'm seventeen." She nods her head and begins to ask another question.

"Alright sweetie, can you tell me what you remember from last night?" She asks as she looks at me. I stay silent for a few seconds before nodding my head. "M-my Step-Father raped me....I ran away scared and he stabbed me." She nods her head looking at me. "Okay sweetie, you are free to go, you will be staying with these young men." She says as she gives me some papers and nods walking out.

I look at the two guys standing there, waiting for them to leave so I can get changed. They get their things and gather them up, the blonde boy giving me some clothes to put on. They walk out of the room and I look at the things they gave me. I slowly take off the gown and start putting on the clothes.

 I slowly take off the gown and start putting on the clothes

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I began walking out of the room and met up with them. I never got their names but I was to shy to ask. We began walking down the hallway and to an elevator. "Lilith, you don't have to worry alright? We have a nice, big house, pool, yard, you'll have your own room." The blinde boy says. "T-thank you." I say softly as I hold my hands in front of me. "Colby, give her the hat, it's gonna be bright." I heard the blonde boy say. The dark haired boys name was Colby.

"Oh shit, yeah here you go. You'll need to wear that for about a week because of your eye." He said as he gave me the hat. I put it on and adjusted it the way I want it. "Thanks for reminding me Sam." The blonde boy nodded. Sam and Colby. I stood in the corner as we made our way down to the lobby. We began walking out and into the sunlight. It felt good on my skin but it did hurt my eyes. I looked down as they led me to their car. We got inside and they put in some music as we drove back to their house.

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