Sasuke, and Sakura friends or foes

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Izumi's P.O.V

Today, I woke up early to make breakfast for Naruto and me. As I walked passed by his room to see he was still sleeping soundly. Today's the day when's going to be assigned to his new squad and meet his new sensei. Not only was I preparing our breakfast meal I also made Naruto his lunch.

Glancing at the clock, I notice I still have time before Naruto wakes up. I grabbed the spare lunch I had set up by the counter and headed out the door.

Now, you may be wondering where in the heck am I going with this spare lunch. Well, that's easy. Arriving at the appointment I knocked on the door. I smiled when the door was answered. "Good morning Sasuke. I hope I didn't wake you up too early." I apologized as the young Uchiha boy stood on the other side of the door.

Though he didn't show it, I read his face that was shocked to see me, " Lady Isumi. What are you doing this early?" He asked.

I brought the lunch to my chest. "I told you to drop the 'lady' part Sasuke. Today's big day so I made you some lunch." I handed him the bento box that was wrapped in a navy blue cloth. See, his mother and I were very close. Before she had to be murdered I promised her the day before that I would look after her kid. So every now and then I would check up on the young Uchiha making sure he too was eating properly.

"There was no need for that. I could just buy my own food." He said. Even so, he accepted the bento.

I waved my hand in my face. "I know you could. But I did promise I'd take care of you after all." I exclaim feeling his aura. I know he doesn't like to be reminded of that innocent. No one would. But I also feel responsible for him. I don't want to break my promise to his mom.

"Thanks for the meal." He says bluntly as he closes the door.

I know he didn't mean to be rude by it. But I still frown. 'Sasuke.' Poor kid has been through so much... Just like Naruto.


After dropping Sasuke's lunch off, I finished making breakfast for Naruto and me.

" Naruto! Hurry up and get your lazy ass out of bed! You don't want to leave with an empty stomach now do you?!" I called out to my son who was still sleeping in.

I heard him let out a yawn. "Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm coming. Give me a second." He answered back with a tired tone.

Not long, he joined me in the kitchen. " Do you have any missions today mom?" He asked taking a slurp of his ramen.

"Nope." I answered popping the 'p'. "I won't be going on any missions for a while, so I'll be hanging around here in the meantime." I smiled. I didn't want to tell him what I'll be exactly doing from now on.

Naruto also smiled. "Awesome. Today's the day, so let's chow down." He cheered taking one sip of milk from the carton before digging in into his ramen.

I chuckled. I can't wait to see the look on his face when he finds out. I still couldn't believe that Hiruzen accepted my offer.


"I'm ready to head out now mom." Naruto says putting on his shoes.

"Good luck today, squirt. Oh and please try to get along with Sasuke. I know you two have been at each other's throats for a while now but cut him some slack, okay Naruto." I scolded him as I handed him his bento.

Naruto pouts. "He's the one that starts it." He grunts.

It was my turn to pout. For some reason, I found that hard to believe. I know he'd pick fights with Sasuke out of the blew. I sigh.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2022 ⏰

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