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thatgirlnorah: just found this shot from last night @/liltimmytim :-)

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jjsully: who's that hot piece of ass??
thatgirlnorah: don't say ass to me



i woke up on amber's living room sofa with a blanket thrown across my body. the morning sun has began to break through the blinds, which is what likely made me stir in the first place. i can't exactly remember how i got here, but as i sit up to find a possible clue to the mystery my head starts to spin. and then i begin to get sick to my stomach.

a quick trip to the bathroom to stick my head in the toilet would probably be beneficial.

i swing my legs over the edge of the couch and throw my blanket beside me. as i get up to sluggishly make my way to the bathroom, my feet quickly come into contact with a body on the floor. i attempt to catch myself, but the throbbing feeling in my head causes me to lose my balance and face plant onto the carpet.

"jesus fucking christ," grumbles the person that my foot had just collided with. their voice is thick with sleep, making it difficult to identify who it is. i slowly lift my head, balancing on my elbows and placing both hands on my temples in attempt to stop the pounding. i silently curse myself for not thinking about my surroundings. of course there was somebody on the floor--there always is on a saturday morning after a party.

"mm'sorry," i mumble, pushing myself to sit up. i slowly spin around to see who i had accidentally picked a fight with, only to see timothèe grasping at his side.

norah, this is not how you get a boyfriend.

"fuck me, are you okay?" he asks. timothèe sits up and leans back on the couch to face me. bless this kid; i just knocked him in the gut and he's asking me if i'm okay. his eyes search my face for any sort of distress. i'm not injured, but i'm sure i look really hot at that moment. then, it clicked with me that i was still wearing last night's scandalous outfit. i cross my arms over my chest, attempting to steal back one small piece of dignity.

"yeah, i'm fine. why are you on the floor?" i question. despite being obviously hung over, he looks adorable in the mornings. his hair is a mess on top of his head; he looks so juvenile and innocent. i watch as he rubs the sleep out of his eyes, still trying to get over his abrupt wake-up call.

"you fell asleep in the truck last night and i didn't want you to catch a cold. and then once we got in here, i wanted to make sure you were safe. there wasn't enough room on the couch, so i slept here," he explains, patting on the hard floor beside him. he speaks with his hands, which resulted in my eyes catching on his beautiful long fingers. fuck, i bet those things were magical below the belt. now i'm horny.

despite his response-and his fingers-being my biggest dreams come true, i still feel like throwing up is in my immediate future

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despite his response-and his fingers-being my biggest dreams come true, i still feel like throwing up is in my immediate future. i nod at him, and hurdle off to the nearest bathroom. i slam the door behind me and empty the contents of my stomach into the toilet. i am never drinking again. amber will say the same exact thing too, but her and i both know we'd be back at it within the next week.

it takes me a few minutes to peel myself off the floor and get to the sink. just as suspected, i look like a mess. poor timothèe, he put me to bed while i looked like a sex magnet, and woke up to something that you'd pull out of your shower drain. i really am the ultimate catfish. i grab a washcloth from the bathroom closet and attempt to scrub off my faded makeup. after the reminiscence of the night before had been removed from my face, i gargle with mouthwash twice--just in case timothèe wants to kiss me for some reason again. i really cannot imagine why he would after i just practiced martial arts on his abdomen. i steal a hoodie from the coat closet as i pass by on the way back to the living room.

a small part of me wishes timothèe was gone so he doesn't have to see me in such a state, but there he was, laying down in the spot i slept all night long. he's like a cockroach, or glitter, but i have no interest in trying to get rid of him.

"before you take me up to amber's room so i can get jj's hopefully clothed body," timothèe crosses his fingers and chuckles. i'm glad he is much more lighthearted about the situation now, although i'm sure he is still scarred for life. "i need your number. at less you don't want me to take you on that date now that you're sober."

oh thank god he remembered. and was still interested. i never would've had the guts to bring it back up. he doesn't sit up to record my number into his phone, but rather lays there and smiles at my voice. i am in love with this boy. i am already in so deep, someone save me.

when we make it upstairs to amber's room, i remember to knock this time before going inside. i take the loud groan i hear from amber as a confirmation to come in. amber's naked body is covered with her duvet, but jj is no where to be seen. she looks surprised to see me and timothèe together, and honestly, i was too. i still couldn't believe he stuck around after last night.

"jj's in the bathroom doing his hair like a fucking girl. he should have all of his clothes on," she winks, points in the general direction of her en suite, and then rolls back over into her pillow. timothèe giggles and disappears into the other room with his friend. i make my way over to the empty side of the bed and crawl under the sheets with her, more than eager to sleep the rest of the day away. we can talk about our nights later. "big spoon me?" amber begs in a childish voice, knowing i'll agree to her.

"i'm going to accidentally grab boob, you know that right?" i ask, flinging my arm over her.

"we've been friends for fifteen years and you're just now figuring out why i like it when we cuddle? i can't believe you." she remarks sarcastically. within seconds, i start to doze off.

i had even almost forgotten timothèe and jj were in the attached room until i felt a light kiss on the top of my head, and heard the door shut behind them.


i really appreciate anyone who reads this book. honestly, it's just my day dreams fabricated into words. i'm just horribly attached to ~the squad~ and all their little personalities n struggles. thank you for the reads/votes/comments <3

edit: sorry if you get notified for this updating i'm playing around with adding some instagram posts to my chapters:)

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