Phase 1: Chapter 1

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My house always has this invisible tension. My mum, my sister and I have tried fruitlessly to cut through the tension with good grades, complacent behavior and just overall goodness. All efforts are futile seeing as every time we cut through an inch of the tension our dad adds layers of chaos.

"Stop standing around and get me a beer", my dad screams at Stephanie. Stephanie scurries around the kitchen trying to get him a drink before he decides that she is being too slow and slaps her to hurry her up.

"Here you go", she says handing him the drink.

I finish washing off the dishes and make my way to the door, grabbing the keys to the mailbox on my way.

"Where you going kid?", he asks as I reach for the door.

"Just going to check the mail dad", I say as I close the door behind me. I breathe a sigh of relief once I step outside. I walk towards the mailbox slowly; I always try to spend as much time as I can outside. My house isn't exactly comfortable.

"Hey Seth", someone calls out. I turn around to face a girl with head full of hair. Harley, her name's Harley.

"Hi", I say shakily. I turn back towards the mailbox and finally open it after fumbling with the key for a few seconds. I look through the mail hoping to find the letter I have been waiting months for. Harley moves from my back, closer to my face in attempt to gain my attention.

"Well aren't you gonna ask how I am", she asks.

"No", I reply.

"I'm not particularly interested in your well being". I close the mailbox and start walking back home.

"That was rude", she says. She starts following me. I stop abruptly and turn towards her. I sigh exasperatedly and speak.

"Look, I am really not in the mood right now and I don't want to hurt your feelings. So do us both a favor and leave me alone", I say calmly. I give her a smile and walk inside the house.

As I close the door, I hear her mutter," I just wanted to talk".

I peek through the windows and watch her walk back to her house across the street. I like her, I really do but there's no space for a girl in my already chaotic life. I leave the window and go to the dining table. I drop the mail on the table and take those with my name on it up with me to my room.

I get to my room and lock the door behind me. I sit on my bed and stare and the letter in my hands. I stare at the logo of the school; the B and A stands out beautifully on the otherwise plain and boring envelope. After a few minutes, I finally get the courage to open the letter. I rip through the envelope and hurriedly read the letter.

"I got in", I murmur quietly.

"I got in", I say slightly louder as I smile spreads across my face.

"I got in!", I shout as I jump off my bed. I celebrate around my room with shouts and screams of joy. I can't believe that I actually got into Bertrand's Academy. That joy is short lived as my dad tries to open my door.

"What's going on in there", he shouts as he struggles with the doorknob.

"Open this door right now Seth!". I quickly hide the acceptance letter under my bed and unlock the door. He forcefully opens the door and looks frantically around my room.

"Why are you making so much noise", he asks. I struggle to keep the excitement I am feeling at bay as I try to answer his question. Apparently, I took too long because he slaps me just as I was about to answer him.

"What have I told you about not answering when you are asked a question", he demands.

"I- ", I stammer as he delivers a blow to stomach.

"Shut up! I'm talking", he screams. I crouch down in pain as I try to explain to him.

"I was just dancing; I am sorry for making so much noise. I promise I'll be quiet. Just don't hit me anymore", I manage to spit out. 

"Fine", he spits out. He slowly turns around and slams the door as he leaves. 

I gradually stand up and reach for the letter under my bed. I quickly hide it in my closet, deep under some shoe boxes. 

"Hey you ready to head to work", Stephanie says while peeking into my bedroom with a faint smile, also scaring the hell out of me.

"Yeah um give me a minute", I say while swiftly closely my closet and grabbing my apron off the desk and stuffing it and my phone into my backpack.

"You good?", she asks. "You seem a little rattled."

"I'm fine, considering the fact that dad just smacked me", I mutter. I pick up my bag, turn off my lights and start walking down the hallway. Stephanie hurries after me.

"He smacked you!", she whisper-yells. "What did you do?"

What did I do? What does she mean what did I do.

"Steph, stop talking"

I walk out the house with Stephanie as my father yells after us "Don't forget to get me cigarettes you ungrateful pricks!"

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