Chapter 5-Trust yourself

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"If you're going to trust one person, trust yourself." -Unknown

I've been driving for around 3 hours now as my old house was around 5 or 6 hours away. I was driving a lot faster though so I'd probably get there quicker.

I stopped at a Walmart and raided it and just imagine how happy I was when I found new CD's after listening to the same one over and over and over again. I popped the disk into the slot and drove the final hour to the hellhole that I called home for the first 13 years of my life. It was never even a home, it was four walls and a roof that 

I was only about 5 or 6 minutes away when I started thinking. What will I do when I got there? Would I kill them or what? I shook those negative thoughts away and thought of the day I found out I was getting adopted by my best friend's family. My family.

I was in my room about to go to bed. I'm 27 weeks pregnant and 15. My birthday was today and I couldn't of asked for anything else. I got something from everyone in the house, they weren't huge gifts, they were sentimental. I love these people to death. Their my family no matter what. Maggie walked into my room and said Hershel wanted to talk to me. I walked downstairs and the whole family was there holding one last present. I smiled as I walked over and unwrapped it carefully. It was a frame, I turned it around and looked at it. I fell to the ground crying more then I thought was even possible. Everyone hugged me and for once in my life I felt like I had a true family.

 I smiled at one of the best memories I have. I need to find them. That's the last thing I thought before I zoned back into reality. I pulled into the driveway of the house that looked exactly the same. I walked in the back door and started searching the small cabin. No one was here. I threw myself onto one of the beds and started crying again. I was never one to show my emotions unless someone that I deeply care for dies.

I stopped crying after about 15 minutes and got up. I started packing whatever was left in the house that would be useful to me at some point and went to my old room. There wasn't much left in it but as I was leaving, I saw something shiny out of the corner of my eye. I walked over to my white dresser and grabbed the necklace. It was a silver chain with a Ram charm. I got it from my older cousin when I was 11. She knew what was happening at home and also knew that a ram symbolizes strength and determination. I smiled thinking of the memory and got back in the truck and drove the opposite direction of the farm, of my home.

*8 Days later

I've been on the road for around 7 or 8 days now and I'm thinking of going home tomorrow or the next day. IF, I don't find anything that leads me to believe that any of them are still alive. I just woke up and started driving again. I'm not too far away from the farm, maybe about 6 hours, which honestly, could be worse. I saw a few signs for a prison a few miles ahead so I decided to go check it out. What's the worst that could happen. It's not like I'll see anyone and a prison could be a good place to find food and stuff. 

I drove for another hour before the prison came into view. I parked the car in the outskirts of the forest, just in case and got out. I left Misha in the car (I FORGOT ABOUT MISHA AGAIN HAHA IM SO SORRY) just in case something happened. I walked to the gate but it was locked and I didn't see anything in the yard which was really weird considering it's the end of the world but I didn't question it much, which was my first mistake. I couldn't climb over because of the barbed wire so I walked around the outskirts of the prison for a few minutes before I found an opening in the wall, like it was bombed. I went into it and it lead into the tombs of the prison, which is really nerve racking because of how dark and unsettling it is. I grabbed my hunting knife out of my holster and continued through the tombs.

I'm not even sure how long I've been in here or if I've even going anywhere because it feels like I've been walking in circles for 2 and a half hours. Eventually, I found a room which looked to be a boiler room or something. I'm not a fucking engineer. It didn't look like there was anyone around here so far but I haven't made it to any of the cell blocks or anything yet. There was a large pool of dried blood on the floor and it looked like a body has been dragged which gave me goosebumps for some reason. I continued walking through the tombs and started getting a feeling in my stomach like I was going the right way. I can't even describe the feeling. I kept going that way until I came across two different hallways. I just kept going straight until I made it to a gate. I was about to walk away when I heard talking. I listened for a minute and all I heard was a man talking to someone, I couldn't hear them that clear but I just heard this,

"We can tend to that wound for you, give you a little food and water and send you on your way. But your going to have to tell us how you found us. And why you were carrying formula."

"Supplies were dropped by a young Asian guy and a pretty girl." MICHONNE.

I began thinking the worst and prayed that they wouldn't hurt her.

"What happened. Were they attacked?" The man got more firm. He didn't sound like he would hurt her but you never know anymore.

"They were taken." Why is Michonne here? How did she get here?

"Taken?" The man sounded as if he was also concerned for the people. I couldn't see anyone from where I was so I just had to guess what was happening. At this point, hurting Michonne would be the last thing he would do considering Michonne knows more then he does. "By who?"

"The same guy who shot me." Shit. She was shot?

"Hey, these are our people, you tell us what happened NOW!" I heard movement and Michonne cry in pain.

"Don't you ever touch me again." She spat at him.

"Start talking or you're gonna have a much bigger problem then a gunshot wound." Maybe I was wrong about these people. Maybe they will hurt her.

"Find em' yourself."

"You came here for a reason." He seemed to calm down a bit and was having a rational conversation with her. 

"There's a town, Woodbury, about 75 survivors. I think they were taken there. They have my friends." At that point I decided to show myself. I finally picked the lock on the gate and ran out. 

"Michonne! What happened to them? Where are they? Where's Sophia??" There were 3 men in the room. 2 of which I didn't know and had weapons pointed at me. One of them had a crossbow and the other who looked to be the one talking to Michonne, had a Colt Python. The other man was about 65, maybe a little bit older and as soon as I saw him, I dropped everything I was carrying. I knew my gut was telling me to go the right way so I could find them, the people I've been looking for since the start, who I've missed the most. I ran up to the man and threw myself into his arms. He grabbed onto me for dear life. I never wanted to let him go because this man holding me in his grip.

Is my father. 

Hershel Greene.







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