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(Hongjoong pov)

"And now to the left, then walk past five doors.... open the sixth one and then go to the second staircase..."

Why was this castle so complicated? One could get lost here and die from starvation if Mingi wasn't present...

Actually, if someone was here without Mingi's permission, it wouldn't end well... Except that Mingi would probably just tell the intruder to get out with how nice he was.

Hongjoong had read many books and articles about vampires. It was all written from human's perspective, because vampires "didn't exist", so everything he read was made up.

Majority of the things he read agreed on few things, one of them being that vampires are extremely overprotective of their home. A human can't step inside vampires house without being killed.

But Hongjoong couldn't, and certainly didn't want to, imagine Mingi, the nice and handsome and perfect man, as a killer. It just didn't fit with the vampire.

Mingi couldn't kill anyone. Or maybe he could, but he didn't want to. And as he said at the first breakfast they had, he made sure he didn't hurt anyone during his feeding.

Vampires were also supposed to stay in dark and abandoned places, sleep in coffins and keep bunch of bats as their pets.

Mingi didn't do anything like that.

Now Hongjoong wasn't saying Mingi was doing something wrong. He was sure there was a coffin somewhere in this castle, because if there's at least three dining halls, ten dressing rooms full of clothes and even a somewhat art museum then there must be a coffin.

What Hongjoong was trying to say was that humans were either really weird or they had met some really, really, REALLY evil and hostile vampires in the past.

It was most likely the first option. People were indeed weird and craved things that should disgust them, such as possessive relationships without love and so on.

Hongjoong was glad he left them behind, even when he was stuck in a castle with a single person.

But he regretted nothing. Mingi was absolutely perfect. The red haired man was treating him like a prince, taking so much care of him and spoiling him so much that Hongjoong often felt awkward and even scared that he was pressuring Mingi into doing something he didn't want to do.

The vampire was so sweet that Hongjoong was genuinely surprised when Mingi told him he had no idea what love is or how romantic relationship works.

He behaved better than anyone Hongjoong had ever met, including himself. He was the dream boyfriend of every girl, and yet he didn't know anything.

So Hongjoong decided to teach the vampire how to love.

Because why the heck not, plus Hongjoong was head over heels for the younger and this just gave him more reasons to spend time with him.

And that's why he was balancing a plate of slightly burnt bacon, scrambled eggs and coffee on the empty halls of the castle.

He knew the way between his room, the kitchen and Mingi's bedroom perfectly. The kitchen was his second home and he knew how to cook.

And he couldn't imagine a better beginning of "love lessons" than breakfast to bed.

What he also couldn't imagine was that opening a huge door was surprisingly hard with both hands occupied. Especially when the thing occupying was food and a pan of boiling hot coffee that could mess up the floor, his clothes and, if he was unlucky enough, could burn him and cause some injuries.

Ruby Fangs |-| Mingi x Hongjoong Royal Vampire AUWhere stories live. Discover now