Haikyuu - TsukiKuroo

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Tsukishima x Kuroo

Takes place after their practice match with Bokuto's spiking training. The two wander off by themselves, as they were the last two to leave the gym. Tsukishima tries to head off back to his teammates but Kuroo suggests otherwise. Tsukishima is confused but trusts Kuroo and follows him towards the hill behind the main gym. They sit down and stare up at the stars.

Ok wait. Before I start the story, just wanted to say i write a lot. Like a lot, a lot. Sometimes I have no idea how much I'm writing so i can just drag the story on for a little too long. Most of the chapters will probably be around 800 - 1000 words, unless I'm being hella lazy or just rushing it. So bare with me but I reckon I'm not that good of a writer so... we'll see what you think. 😁

Btw I'm not that familiar with the nicknames they have for each other and the Japanese manners they have. So no one's being called Kuroo-senpai or Glasses-kun or anything like that. My bads.

"Tsukishima..." Kuroo whispered. The volleyball players were outside, behind the main gym, sitting on the luscious green grass of a hill, staring up into the dark and glowing sky. They had just finished practicing with Fukorodani's setter and captain, as well as Lev from Nekoma and Hinata from Karasuno. The 6 boys had all closely bonded together and enjoyed hanging and practicing with each other. Kuroo had brought Tsukishima outside to interact individually with the boy, even though he knew both of them were exhausted.
"What is it Kuroo?" Tsukishima responded, not taking his eyes off the magnificent sparkling sky above him.

"Are you jealous?"

Tsukkishima: *huh? Where did that come from? Jealous of what?*

"What do you mean Kuroo?"

"I saw it... the way you looked at Hinata during practice. Everytime he blocks a spike, even during your own practice games with the other teams. You always glare at him with a dead expression on your face, and scold yourself whenever everyone goes and congratulates him..."

Tsukishima couldn't believe his ears. Knowing Kuroo, he knew he was very observant, being the captain and all you always have to pay attention to everyone including the opposition. But he never knew his observation skills were that good. Kuroo would always seem to be distracted when someone was talking to him, Kenma always seemed to be the one observing. But what confused Tsukishima even more, was when Kuroo turned his head and stared right into his eyes with a serious expression. Tsukishima was always a person who hid his feelings and thoughts from everyone, except for his brother and mother. Tsukishima knew Yamaguci could read him like a book so there was no point for hiding it from him. But hearing it from someone else, someone he barely knew, made him shudder.

"You really think I would be jealous of that shrimp?" Tsukishima chuckled satisfied with his little insult, while glaring right back at Kuroo.

"Are you sure about that four-eyes? I know you're lying. I'm not stupid." Kuroo knew he was right.

"Ha are you sure?"

"Tsukishima stop playing around." Kuroo was serious now. He wanted to know everything that was going on in the blonde headed's mind. All his thoughts and all his worries, he wanted to know it all.

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