Boku No Hero Academia - TodoBaku

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Todoroki x Bakugo

I've always wanted to see where this ship would sail, pffft that was so bad I'm gonna shut up now 🤣

Todoroki is the dominant one in the relationship. They are still at UA, but are currently in their third year. 1 year after All Might's retirement, Izuku Midoriya was sent to America to study and train to become one of the best pro heroes in the world. Todoroki, Bakugo and Kirishima were known as 'The Big Three' in UA but Todoroki had never gotten over Midoriya leaving for America. Todoroki tells Bakugo and the story is currently taking place where they're both sitting in Todoroki's dorm bedroom.

Quick thing, Bakugo and Todoroki's mix of personalities might be a little confusing and I'll try my best to match them together. I did only watch the subbed, so I have no idea what kind of slang and expression they use in the dubbed. And my bads if I spell their names wrong. Just a quick heads up.

"Oi, half n half! What'd you call me here in your shitty room for?" Bakugo snarled at the son of the current number 1 hero in all of Japan. Todoroki had recently told Bakugo about the nightmares he has about their previous classmate, Izuku Midoriya.


Todoroki's POV:
I'll tell Kirishima. He's the most understanding and caring out of us three so I'm sure he'll help me out.

Todoroki decided to talk to Kirishima after school.

Class had ended and Todoroki quickly gathered his things and walked out the door, waiting for Kirishima. Kirishima had walked out behind Kaminari, laughing at some stupid joke the real life Pikachu had made.

"Denki if you're really trying to be in a relationship... dude you gotta update your jokes and pickup lines." Kirishima chuckled.

Kaminari smirked. "Whatever Kiri. It works on you, so it's bound to work on them."

"You idiot, it didn't even-"

Kirishima stopped when he saw Todoroki leaning on the wall, outside the classroom door.

"Hey Sho! What you up to?"
(The Big Three are on first name basis. Todoroki only has a few friends who call him by his first name, Bakugo only let's Kirishima, Todoroki and Mina to call him Katsuki and Kirishima... Literally the whole world might as well call him Eijirou.)

"Hey Ei. Could I talk to you for a second?"

Kirishima raised his left eyebrow. Todoroki never gave him a nickname, so he knew something was up.

"Uh, ye sure. We'll talk later Pikachu!"

"Alright then. Cya Kiri!"

Kaminari ran off to catch up with Sero and Mina, while Kirishima and Todoroki walked off in the opposite direction. They had walked towards the dorms, arrived and headed into Todoroki's dorm. Todoroki sat on the couch while Kirishima sat on the floor in front of him.

"So, what'd you wanna talk about Sho?"
Kirishima was wondering whether or not he should be nervous or excited about the upcoming news.

Todoroki took a deep breath and exhaled calmly. He looked at Kirishima, stared right into his eyes and spoke.
He explained what happened every night, and he told him about why and how he has these nightmares. He was scared about how Kirishima would react but the red head would always look at him with a soft smile, reassuring that he understood. Todoroki spilled everything he had been hiding, not leaving anything hidden and after his rant, Kirishima smiled and spoke.

*end of flashback*

Kirishima had told Todoroki to tell Bakugo.

"What?! Are you serious? Bakugo would laugh at me and never let it go."
Todoroki was confused and shocked as to why Kirishima had suggested Bakugo of all people.

"Trust me. That kid is a lot better when handling things like this, than me. I was in a similar situation and went straight to him. He helped me and I'm sure he'll do the same for you!"

Kirishima smiled.


He better be right. I know that hot head will never let this go.

"Calm down Bakugo. I just want your opinion. I told Kirishima about it and he said you'd be the best person to ask. I need you to help me."

"The hell did shitty hair tell you?! What the hell do you want from me?!"

"Bakugo I want you to help me overcome these nightmares. I can barely get enough sleep and it's affecting my grades. I can barely function through the day and the chances of me becoming a pro hero are slim. Please Bakugo."

Bakugo stared at Todoroki. He never expected Todoroki specifically, to have this kind of side of him.

"Alright half n half, tell me exactly what you want me to do."

Todoroki's face looked blank. His normal expression had returned and he stared at Bakugo a little confused on what to say.


"I already told you what I want. I want you to help me overcome my nightmares."

This bastard is so god damn blunt, it's kinda pissing me off!
Bakugo thought, teeth gritting and eyebrows showing off his angry expression.

"Give me a hug."


"Come here."

Todoroki patted his lap, signaling Bakugo to sit on his lap. Bakugo was confused and pissed not really getting the fact that Todoroki just wanted a hug.

"HUH?! Bastard you think you can be so sly about it?! What're trying to do?! I'm not sitting on your lap Icyhot!"
Bakugo obviously took it the wrong way and stepped back a little.

Knew it. This is going to take a while, isn't it?
Todoroki sighed and stood up from the bed. He walked towards Bakugo while Bakugo walked backwards. They continued this until Bakugo had walked back and was trapped against the wall.

Ok ok ok okkk! I know I'm being hella cruel, leaving youse with all these cliff hangers, but I promise I'll put in a part 2 soon. Which every chapter I think of first, that part 2  will come, I swearrrr!

Quote of the chapter:

"I... lost...?"

This was low-key sad the first time I heard it, but have fun trying to figure it out. Honestly it could be any anime.

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