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Okay guys!!! I need opinions!!!! For my writing class I was supposed to write a mini story about a hot air ballon ride. I need your guy's opinion on it before I turn it in! I feel like it's garbage, but I really don't want to rewrite the whole thing, so I just want your guy's opinion on the small story!

A crisp breeze hit my face as I stared out into the distance overlooking everything below us for miles. I inhaled through my nose, taking a deep breath, filling my lungs with fresh air that lingered up in the sky. Everything was quiet, except for the quaint little snores coming from behind me. I turned my head and looked down to see a red-headed girl sleeping peacefully on the floor of the cold basket that we were in. I smiled down at the girl in front of me as I took off the light blue jacket that I wore and lay it over her. I stood back up and looked out over the horizon as the sun set, the last of the light fading slowly. I sat down quickly, resting my back against the side of the small basket walls. My eyes drifted back to the red haired girl who lay in front of me. Even though her eyes were closed, I knew exactly what color they were underneath her eyelids. Underneath laid a pair of bright hazel eyes, the eyes that belonged to my best friend. Suddenly a wave of guilt hit me hard, causing my chocolate brown eyes to start filling with tears. She was only in this situation because of me, and now there was a chance that she could get killed all because of me. I sighed knowing that I could not change the past and that I should be grateful that I was not all alone in this.

The small basket of the hot air balloon, that kept me from pulmeting to my death, swayed slightly against the harsh wind. I pulled my head to my knees as I felt a few tears fall from my eyes and run down my cheeks. My eyes burned as tears stained my face as I sobbed silently to myself. I shivered against the cold air that drifted high in the sky with us. My entire body felt cold, that was until I felt something warm touch against my shoulder. I lifted my head, my brown eyes meeting the hazel ones of my best friend, Monica. A concerned look was written across her face as she quietly pulled me into a tight hug. I hugged back almost instantly and the hug seemed to go on forever, until Monica pulled away. I suddenly felt colder than I had before the hug, wishing that it wasn't so cold up here.

"Okay, what's wrong?" Monica questioned me as she gave me a concerned look. I sighed knowing that I could not lie to her, because she knew me all too well and she always knew when I was lying. I slowly explained to her, spilling out all my feelings and emotions. When I finished explaining everything, I was pulled into yet another warm hug. I embraced her whole-heartedly as I sobbed into her shoulder. When my tears started to cease, she pulled back from the hug and gave me one of those 'It is not your fault' looks. I smiled as I wiped the last few tears from my eyes. I shivered as another gust of chilly wind rushed past, shaking the basket yet again. Monica frowned before leaning over and grabbing her small red backpack. She unzipped it before pulling out a blanket and throwing it at me. I quickly unfolded the blanket, which was a lot bigger than I thought, before spreading it out for both of us to fit under. We both got cozy under the big blanket as I looked out at the stars.

"You wanna know something?" Monica hummed breaking the silence. I looked over at her before she continued, "You shouldn't regret getting me into this mess. I know that I don't regret anything. I don't regret being your friend, and I most certainly do not regret coming with you on this adventure. This is the most fun that I have had in years! I'm happy that you're my friend and that I got to come on this dangerous adventure with you!" Monica turned and looked at me as she smiled the biggest and most kindest smile ever, causing me to return the smile. I turned back to face the stars, still smiling happily. I was happy that I have a friend like Monica and that she was here with me. I closed my eyes so that I could get some rest, not knowing that tomorrow would be a day filled with adventure, bad guys, and having the time of my life with my best friend.

Okay! Now I need your honest opinion on it because I'm freaking out about it!!! I mean this is due before midnight tonight and I'm like about to explode!!! Oh, and thank you guys so much! I love you all!❤️

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