Chapter 3: The Sleepover

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As soon as Barb had made it up the steps and into Poppy's Pod, she felt an adrenaline rush hit her. Her heart was thumping loudly in her chest as she set her bags down and started to head into Poppy's kitchen/living room area. There Poppy stood already wearing an apron that was all white with flowers dancing along the seams. She turned her head and smiled brightly at Barb while stirring cake batter. Barb began to walk towards the sink to wash her hands so she could join Poppy in making the cake.

"Barb, could you hand me that cake pan right over there please?" Poppy asked.

Barb dried her hands off quickly with a towel and grabbed the cake pan sitting on the counter.

"Thanks!" Poppy said.

Barb blurted out a quick "You're welcome" before going to grab flour, eggs, milk, sugar, and butter from the pantry and fridge in Poppy's kitchen. She figured she could make cupcakes while Poppy made a cake. Barb reaches up into one of Poppy's cabinets to grab a bowl and starts to put the ingredients in for the cupcakes. Once she has all of her ingredients in, she starts to stir the bowl vigorously. Poppy looks over at the troll, who is in fact, stirring vigorously, and begins to giggle. Barb looks over at Poppy with a confused face and asks, "Why are you laughing?"

"No reason! You just look really focused on stirring the cupcake batter that it's a little funny." Poppy says while trying to stifle her laugh. Barb blushes furiously at the comment to the point where she was almost the same shade of red as her mohawk.

"S-sure, princess." Barb stuttered while smirking. She purposefully calls Poppy princess because it usually gets a really funny reaction out of the other Queen.

"Barb we've talked about this!! I am NOT a princess!! I am a queen just like you!!" Poppy said furiously.

"Whatever you say-," Barb paused for a moment.

"princess." Barb said in a teasing voice. That was it. Poppy had had enough. She took a spoon that had icing on it and flung it towards Barbs face. It hit Barb right square in between her eyes. Uh-oh Poppy thought. She had definitely just woke a beast from its slumber. Poppy awaited her final moments of cleanliness but noticed something. Barb was laughing! Of course within the next few moments Poppy was absolutely covered in icing. Poppy thought about what her next course of action
would be, and she went with jumping right onto Barb. Barb's face went from laughing to full of fear real quick as she saw Poppy floating in the air above her; she braced for impact. They both hit the ground with a 'thud'. For a moment they both just looked at each other, then burst into laughter. Barb's face by now was completely red as she looked at Poppy laughing. Her breath caught in her throat and began blushing harder than she ever thought she could. Poppy is beautiful she thought. She completely blanked on the situation; Poppy was sitting on top of her. Barb quickly grabbed Poppy by the hips and picked her up off of her. It was just Poppy laughing now as Barb had realized they both completely forgot about the cake that was in the oven. Barb ran over to the oven to check and see if it was still good. Sadly, the cake looked slightly burnt, but that wouldn't bother Barb as much as it probably would Poppy.

"Aw man! I'm sorry Pop-squeak your cakes almost completely burnt."

Poppy stood up off the floor to go look at the burnt cake. She then proceeded to take a bite of said cake.

"Hmmmmm.. not bad! Could use a little icing but this cake isn't completely ruined! Try some Barb!" Poppy said enthusiastically.

Barb tried some and she had to say, Poppy wasn't wrong. Barb headed over to the cabinet to grab the icing so they could ice the cake. Together, they took red & pink icing and iced the cake. Barb made a miniature version of herself beside the one Poppy had made.

"Thanks for doing this with me Barb! It was really fun!" Poppy exclaimed.

Flushed, Barb said a quick "no problem" and then went to the bathroom to change into her pajamas. She came out wearing a red sleeved t-shirt with white in the torso area, almost like a baseball tee. In the middle of her shirt was an alpine white Epiphone Les Paul guitar with golden pick-ups. Her pajama pants had little miniature guitars on them as well, that were black and red, the bass color of the pants being just black.

Poppy, on the other hand, was wearing a turquoise night gown that had tiny pink flowers dancing along the bottom and head-hole of the gown.

When they both got done dressing into their night clothing, they decided to switch on a movie.

"What movie would you like to watch?" Barb asked Poppy.

Poppy thought for a moment and said "Something funny!"

Barbs first movie that came to mind was Mean Girls. She got onto Poppy's T.V. and began to search for one that was specifically free. She eventually found one. Barb switched it on and Poppy got up to make some pop-corn. Barb then went to go fetch a blanket from her bag. They both, coincidentally, came back at the same time.

Barb threw the blanket over her and Poppy's shoulders. Then, Poppy propped her legs up onto the couch so she could sit criss-cross apple sauce next to Barb. Barb just propped her feet up onto the coffee table in front of them.

About an hour into the movie, Poppy started to grow tired. Her eyes were slowly starting to get heavy and fluttered open and closed multiple times until she finally just gave up and later her head on Barbs shoulder. Externally it didn't look like Barb minded, but on the inside, she was panicking big time.

She blushed furiously at the sleeping Poppy beside her. She slowly started to move her arm to grab the remote, that was sitting on the coffee table, to turn off the T.V.

Don't wake up Poppy she thought to herself.

spoiler: she didn't wake up Poppy.

Barb sat with her eyes open in the dark for a moment, but then started to feel the rush of tiredness flow over her. Her eyes fluttered closed as she laid her head on top of Poppy's, and all was forgotten in the world, in that moment.....

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2020 ⏰

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