Dislike My Trainer

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"No.. No.. No.. No.. No.. No." Win said. "NO."

He said the word over and over and over. He said it loudly, loudly so that he knew people will hear him. He even waves his arms around for that little bit of extra added emphasis. But no one is paying any attention to him. Win doesn't like it when he's ignored.

"No." Win said again and this time his manager looks up at him, from the 'oh so important' phone call. That phone call, THAT phone call is the thing sealing Win's doom. "No."

His manager just glared at him and leave the room, his ear still pressed to his cell phone.

"Phii~!" Win calls after him. "Phii~! I said NO! Don't ignore me! You are contractually obligated to not ignore me!"

But it's no use, his manager is already gone and Win can't follow to further plead his case because his legs are being held hostage by the stylist. He's being pinned into the costume for a photoshoot and he has this feeling that the stylist doesn't much like him, his calves feel like they are being used as pin cushions. Win sighs a long, long suffering sigh. He scowls down at the stylist because not only is she jabbing his legs with pins at every opportunity but he's also pretty sure she's snickering at him. He can't see her face because her head is bent low in supposed concentration, but he's positive he hears snickering.

Eventually his manager saunters back in, satisfaction sits slyly in his smile. He has put his phone away, it's in his back pocket, Win can see it bulging in his pants. Dammit, Win can't get at it now. He had plans of snatching it away and undoing whatever his manager had just done.

"Winniee." His manager says with a grin. "It's done, you start tomorrow."

"Phii~." Win says and he readies himself to pull out his best pout. His patented 'always get my way' pout. "Why do you hate me? Please don't make me do this."

His manager just shrugs, completely unaffected by Win's devastating puppy eyes

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His manager just shrugs, completely unaffected by Win's devastating puppy eyes. Apparently over the years his manager has started to develop an immunity.

"It's not up to me, N'Win." His manager says. From the way his manager looks and sounds so insincere Win concludes that his manager is a liar who is lying through his pearly whites. "It's an order from the higher ups. Your image needs a complete overhaul and tomorrow we are going to start with the repairing."

"But there is nothing wrong with my image!"

Apparently Win is the only one who feels that way.

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