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This was the first time Antarctica overheated

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This was the first time Antarctica overheated. Only Germany- the best doctor in the world- could figure out what was wrong. Being an arctic country, Antarctica needs to remain freezing cold to be happy and healthy. Overheating is much more dangerous to him and his sister (the North Pole) than to anyone else in the world. They need to remain so cold they're freezing even with their jacket, scarves, and other layers of clothing.

This wasn't a problem a long time ago. But due to global warming, Antarctica and his sister, the North Pole, have had these episodes of overheating. Usually these are treated by replacing the many layers of clothes with thin clothes that barely protect from the cold. However, there have been occasions when he would get dangerously warm and they actually had to stuff an unconscious Snowflake into a large freezer that is kept specifically for such emergencies.

Once he's cooled down again, he wakes up and goes back to his normal self, even wearing his many layers. After all, if he still feels cold under the jacket, he knows he's ok.

His condition is not as bad as his sister's, who is warmer than him by nature and has had even worse episodes and nearly died. Her episodes are also much more frequent. Because of these episodes, Greenland is with Tica at all times, as you never know when they can happen and his precious snowflake could pass out and melt if he weren't found. North Pole also has someone with her at all times, especially because she's a much higher risk.

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