Chapter 5

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Its been a stressful month trying to get everything for my trip to Australia, like my visa and passport. I have actually applied for some jobs that they have going over there like some cafes and did you know they don't have Starbucks in Australia! not trying to sound like a basic white girl here but come on. but until then I have been working none stop at my hotel reception job just so i can save some more money.

"wow your going to Australia in a week, how you feeling?" mum says as she comes into my room.

"im beyond excited!" I say cheerfully

"what state are you going to?" the girl my mums babysitting askes

"well first im going to Perth so I can surprise my cousins and then I think ill travel over to melbourne and Sydney." I reply

I hope onto my laptop as they leave my room and look for some accommodations in melbourne and sydney. I end up finding a suite in Sydney called the Meriton but yet to find a hotel for melbourne.

I've tried to avoid going places near me incase I see Lamelo and so far so good. Haven't really heard much about him In the media so I hope he's doing well. even though a lot of shit things happen my love for him will never go away.

I start my movie and eventually fall asleep.

hope you liking the book!

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