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Surprise Run-Ins (2)


"You know it's been a year since I've come here," Liam commented as he and Jaxon were walking on the sidewalk pavement.

In the meantime while in Portland, Oregon, the two cousins decided to leave their hotel and take a measly stride into the downtown area. They wanted to explore the area before leaving to take care of the business they were intended on accomplishing.

Jaxon slipped on his shades, "When did you ever come here for?"

Liam looks to his cousin before answering, "Remember that brunette that came to town last year riding that red convertible...but it caught a flat tire"

"There are many brunettes I know that swung by in Fairsborro," Jaxon spoke. "What was her name again?"

Liam stops mid-stride, "Her name...I believe her name was...Piper." He resumed walking along with Jaxon. "Yeah, she definitely had killer legs I had the pleasure of bruising up."

"You six fuck." Jaxon snickered as the two crossed the road.

"Hey, I like to grab what I like." Liam as he looked ahead, a smirk playing coy on his face. "So, does Chloe know you're here."

Jaxon shakes his head, "We're here on business. I don't want her to see me doing anything that pertains to the club."

"Oh please," Liam rolls his eyes dramatically. "She kind of knows your apart of the club, so it wouldn't bother stopping by."

"Why are you keen on me seeing Chloe?" Jaxon started to become annoyed with Liam's pushy behavior. "Why is that?"

Liam stared at his cousin, "I swear you become so defensive." He chuckles deeply. "...but the reason why I ask because in the lower depths of the brain of yours. I know you want to see her."

Jaxon didn't reply quickly but remained quiet as Liam took the pleasure of walking ahead. "Maybe." He mumbles slightly under his breath before catching up.

He pulled out his cell phone not seeing any text messages from Chloe, which bothered him. It was as if he was slowly drifting back into time, a painful time where Chloe barely messaged or phoned Jaxon when she suddenly disappeared.

"I'm getting kind of thirsty," Liam mentioned as he saw a nearby coffee shop ahead. "Well, I'll be damn," A grin spread his lips before looking over his shoulder at Jaxon. "If I were you, I would look up."

Jaxon glared at his cousin, "What the fuck are you talking about?"

Liam remained silent as he boldly pointed to what was ahead of them both, "I'm talking about that."

On cue, Jaxon turned his head to see Chloe and Zachary walking along side by side talking amongst each other. He watched as she smiled and laughed along with Zachary, who touched her bare forearm leaning closer to her ear, a motion that made Jaxon see red.

"You okay there, Jaxon?" Liam asked watching his cousin's ears turn red and his fist balled tightly. "Should you make your grand entrance?"

Jaxon's eyes remained on Chloe as Zachary held the door to the coffee shop opened and watched her walk in with his eyes trained. His eyes slowly diverted his attention to Liam, who was preferably enjoying the taunting.

Jaxon shook his head while he removed the cigarette from behind his ear, "Give me a few minutes." He pulled his favorite, Zippo metal lighter, flicking the flame open and lighting the cigarette. "I don't wanna make it obvious."

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