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Mellow Nights

Song: Candy Rain by Soul For Real


"Okay, the chicken is completely done," Chloe closed the oven door before dancing over to the fridge to take out a bottle of wine. "Does Jaxon even drink wine?" She shrugged nonchalantly before walking over to place it on the set table for the evening.

For the past hour, Chloe had been preparing an easy and quick pasta dish along with a lemon basil chicken for tonight's dinner. She placed on her oven mitts taking out the pan of chicken to place on the counter.

"I hope he loves this." She bit her lip contemplating and wondering if Jaxon would like the dinner for tonight. "He's going to love this.

Before Chloe could finish the finishing touches to her shrimp and linguine dish, the sound of the apartment's doorbell caught her attention and quickly she placed her oven mittens down.

"Coming!" She hurried over to the door but before she gave herself a once over in the mirror. "Okay, this is fine." Her fingers fluffed her curls before answering the door. "Hey!"

Jaxon stood on the other side of the door holding a bouquet of roses, "Hey," He quickly reached out the fresh flowers. "I know how much you love these."

Chloe blushed as she took the flowers, inhaling their natural scent, "Thank you very much. Please, come in." She steps to the side watching Jaxon enter her home. "Welcome to my humble abode."

Jaxon eyed the entire apartment listening to the shut of the front door before turning around to get a good look at his friend. Tonight, Chloe was dressed down in comfy casual wear, an off-the-shoulder beige sweater, a pair of black leggings, and fluffy bunny slippers adorned her feet.

"You look great." Jaxon complimented her watching as she walked towards her kitchen.

Chloe smiled softly, "Thank you." She walks forward placing the bouquet of flowers on the coffee table. "Here, let me take this jacket of yours." She pulled the leather jacket from Jaxon's shoulders. "Plaid really suits you."

"It was a last-minute thing remember," Jaxon commented while watching Chloe place his jacket away. "You've really come a long way." His eyes continued eying the apartment.

Chloe looked over her shoulder confused, "What do you mean?" She closed the closet door walking over. "Is that a good thing? Or bad?"

"Good." Jaxon answers. "You got your own place, your career and you don't depend on anyone. Congratulations."

Chloe nodded feeling happy, "Thank you. It wasn't easy but I've done well for myself over the years."

"My pleasure." Jaxon stared momentarily into Chloe's eyes before taking her hand. "I didn't get my hug."

"Jaxon." She laughed. "Gosh, you are a big baby." She felt his arm snake around her waist as she returned the hug.

"Please, don't call me that." He groaned hearing Chloe's giggle. " least not in front of anyone."

Chloe pulled away snickering, "I promise I won't say. Now, follow me."

He followed, "I can tell you definitely put your best in cooking tonight."

Chloe smiled softly before answering, "Well, since you didn't give me a heads up on your arrival, I had to think fast."

"Sorry, about not telling you when I got here but I kind of want to surprise you." Jaxon leaned against the island countertop as Chloe smiled delightedly.

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