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In a parallel world to earth, in another plane exists YiluoDalu. Like the name states, it is a large continent where many cities or empires or strewn around. Every kingdom or empire, naturally, is ruled by a king, emperor, or democracy, albeit this is the most despised method of hierarchy. There is naturally no one higher than the rulers of these separate lands. Except for the heavens. Always, as the heavens say it, or show it, the kings must bend to their every will and whim. If they say-or show to siege war on each other they must comply: annihilating every human until there is only the strongest, the chosen one, standing. If the gods command them to seize war in the middle of a large scale battle, the troops should pack up their items, jump on a horse, and travel back to their kingdoms. In this world, the gods call the shots in every single detail, no matter what.

One day, the martial gods in the heavens were viewing two sets of troops coming in from two different kingdoms. The two kingdoms' kings had had a dispute and the peace between the two countries was fragmented. This was because the royal crown prince of a kingdom located on the edge of the mainland, Mingfei, and the royal crown princess of a kingdom 3 miles within the grassland Dong; broke their political engagement. The Dong kingdom's crown princess had apparently fallen in love with another man before she had met the crown prince of Mingfei, she eloped with another man, who was her guard, and disappeared to some other kingdom.

The gods couldn't be any border with this type of circumstance than they already were. It was too normal, too typical, and too outdated.

As they groaned silently, they noticed a group of wandering escapees who had left their kingdoms under the constant conflicts of war. Or rather they left of their own accord because the war did not benefit their businesses and had left in search of a kingdom with a currently docile tiger on its mountain next to its neighboring brothers of heaven. The gods perceived what would play out including these migrant's future. So with a swish of their sleeves, they decided. A pure white jade Go set before them, a cup of pure and clear tea in their left hand and an entertained smile on their faces they gazed down on these groups of migrants, and warriors: their fates were now permanently altered.

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