Two Galaxies fell in love. Eight planets were born legitimately.
Earth ruled the galaxy. It was time for a new ruler to ascend the throne of the galaxy. War broke out. Who won? Who become the next ruler of the galaxy, Juve or Cosmos?
This story will intrigue as you see inanimate bodies fought for royalty.****************
AUTHOR'S DISCLAIMERThis story is a work of fiction.
Any semblance to actual persons,
living or dead or actual places,
events or locales is purely coincidental. The characters and places are a product of the author's imagination or used fictitiously**********
RULER OF THE GALAXY- JUVE OR COSMOS?Scuti was the supreme lord of the Universe. The Universe contained 7 galaxies. In order to maintain harmony and effective administration of his galaxies, he appointed his 7 sons, Orion,Atlas,
Perseus,Leo, Archer, Sirius and Castor to be in charge of his 7 galaxies;Sunflower , Cartwheel ,
Cigar ,Whirlpool ,Sombrero,Black
Eye and Tadpole galaxy.
After every one million years, the seven sons met their father Scuti in a parliament called Corona- Borealis.
It was built on supercluster of star stones and surrounded by a Great Wall. The supreme Lord of the Universe allowed his sons to choose their own heirs to the throne of their galaxies.
His oldest son Orion was 750 million years old. One day he was touring his father's vast universe in space and met Milky way galaxy. He was attracted to her. A nymph love developed between Milky way galaxy and him- Orion, the ruler of Sunflower galaxy.
Coincidentally,Milky way Galaxy was the daughter of Abell Aice who was a very good friend of Scuti.
With his father's approval, Orion married Milky way Galaxy. The marriage was officiated by the Scuti himself and other celestial spectators.
They stayed together for 10 million years and out of their love they gave birth to eight planets. Orion was not faithful to milky way galaxy forever. He gave birth to other illegitimate children called meteorites.
Out of anger Milky way also had an affair and gave birth to pluto making her children nine.
Because of her affair, pluto was considered illegitimate thus officially disqualified because he was illegitimate. With that, milky way had eight legitimate children.
Among his legitimate children, Jupiter was his first born. Mercury was hot tempered. Venus was beautiful,Earth was wise, calm, protect life and kind. Mars was warlike but small, Saturn was also a giant but too soft. Neptune was cold, even chilly.
His first born Jupiter was gigantic but violent. He was a bully and always victimized his brothers and sisters. As a result of his behaviour, he was hated by His siblings.
Jupiter the giant fell in love with Vega, a beautiful bright star and their union resulted in a male child called Juve.
Juve was hated by his uncles and aunts because of his father's behaviour. In view of this, he was always at risks of been harmed by them.
Earth was one of Juve's aunts. She was kind to Juve and decided to allow him stay with her.
Because of her show of kindness, their mother 'Milky Way' blessed Earth and say , " among my children ye shall be special. I will make you abound with life and all kinds of living organisms shall be found only on you because you have shown yourself to be a protecter of life."
The time had come for Orion to choose his Heir. He was indecisive on which of his eight legitimate children born by milky way would inherit his kingdom.
Will it be Mercury,Venus,Earth,
Mars,Jupiter , Saturn,Uranus or Neptune?
He was thinking of giving it to Jupiter the bully because by law he was the oldest of his children and his appearance befitted that of a king but Jupiter's behaviour was not king-like. He abused his power due to his immerse size even though he was not given rulership yet.
Orion's other children Mars, Mercury,Uranus ,Saturn,Neptune and Venus thought Earth would be the best choice because she respect life.
War broke out between the children of milky way. The only person who was neutral in that war was Earth.
Orion asked her why she was not fighting for the throne like her brothers and sisters. Earth said , " I am the protector of Life. If I join the war, I will only perpetrate violence."
Now Orion was convinced Earth was fit for the throne as a Queen because she was kind and wise.
He gave the royal seal to earth and Earth was crowned as Queen of Sunflower galaxy.
Earth gave birth to seven sons too.
Africa,North America ,South America, Antarctica, Europe
Australia. It wasn't long before earth became old. She knew it was time to hand over the reigns of power. Should she hand over power to her children or the son of Jupiter,Juve whose father was initially the legal one?
Earth consulted the supreme Lord of the Universe . He advised her to use her wisdom to solve the case.
For one thousand years he was still thinking of the case.
Earth's oldest son Cosmos became inpatient. He felt it was his right to inherit his mother's throne.
Juve also felt he was the legitimate ruler of the galaxy.
Cosmos went to his brothers and asked them to support him win the kingdom. He promised they would become his ministers when he win the war. With that he convinced his siblings.
They came together with their supporters and support Cosmos to battled with Juve and his supporters in the war called the war of JeVadom. The two army's encamped in Bellatrix, in orion's constellation.
Though the epicenter of the war was at Bellatrix , It extended to outer space dotted with stars twinkling in the dark background. The scope of the space warfare included ground-to-space warfare, such as attacking satellites from the Earth; space-to-space warfare, such as satellites attacking satellites; and space-to-ground warfare, such as satellites attacking Earth-based targets.
Juve was the squadron comman
der of his army. The chief master sergeant of Earth's space war was Cosmos.
Short StoryIn the galaxies, controversy arose as to who really owe the right to rule. It became a warfare. Who won? JUVE or COSMOS