Chapter Two

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I was awake by three in the morning so I spent my time staring at the ceiling. I could skip school but I didn't want to miss a chance of experiencing highschool. By the time it was six I had showered and was lying in bed because I didn't want to have breakfast .

I tried putting on at once but I failed. Huffing I pulled on leggings and a sports bra then covered up using a baggy hoodie. I finished up with my nikes and lip gloss. Grabbing an apple I went outside to wait for Marco.
"Good morning Miss "he murmured. I nodded then looked at him.
"Go visit your family Marco" I said considering I was the only one who paid attention to the servants around.
"I can't miss "
"it's an order and take the jeep. Don't comeback till next week "I ordered.

After giving me meaningless thanks, I mean he did kinda raise me, I drove myself to school. Directions, I used the GPS. I had an hour before school so I decided to drive myself around town. After taking note of the cafe and library I saw that I had only 30 minutes to drive to school. Changing direction I bypassed Katie, the white witch, and pulled back because I needed someone to direct me at school.

"Katie hop in "I called out."Thank you so much. I was meant to go with my mate but he has to accompany Alpha"she rambled.
"So how come the vampires and werewolves are all buddy buddy" "Well the alpha king and vampire king are best friends almost brothers "

Absorbing this information I turned on the radio and started humming softly. By the time we reached school we were belting out the lyrics of G. O. A. T by Jack Maynard and Conor Maynard. Just because I was homeschooled doesn't mean I was not up to date with the world. My camaro drifted to a smooth stop and we walked out.
"So Katie, I was wondering if you could you know, show me around " I asked while rocking on my heel.
"Sure let's get your schedule first"

Thanking her, I walked to my first class alone because I only had lunch period with Katie and gym too. AP calculus. Room 201....201 ahh found it. Knocking softly ,I heard a gruff voice telling me to come in.
"Class we have a new student joining us during our last year. introduce yourself "
"My name is Eleanora Bianchi " I said and looked at the teacher. I made a mistake of looking into his eyes which almost made him submit. I looked away sharply and swiftly walked to an empty seat in the corner and the once gruff teacher shaking like a leaf.
I purposely forged my last name my real name is Adrovechi.

The guy droned on and on till everyone's attention was grabbed by something or more like someone outside. I didn't feel like looking out as it was a waste of precious energy. I was too much into my world that I didn't notice someone next to me.
"Oh hey "I said. The guy looked at me amused .
"I told you hi like 30 minutes ago but you looked lost in thought" he mused.
"Sorry "I said sheepishly. He told me it was okay and we hit it off instantly. I found out he is gay and proud I definitely don't have a problem with them. Class was done in a blur and we walked to the next class together as our classes are the same. I burst out laughing when his little brother shaved his brows of and applied lipstick as eye shadow.
"So he posted it on instagram "I laughed.
"Yup, I was a hot mess " Brad said winking.
"yeah whatever helps you sleep at night "

Fortunately Brad and I were paired up for drama project concerning Romeo and Juliet. We decided on doing the part where they die and he walked me to the lunch doors where Katie waited patiently for me.
"Oh seems you've met Brad "she said.
"Yeah. Do you mind if he joins us" I pouted.
"Sure he does sit with us, I mean he is the Delta "
With that we entered the cafeteria and I patiently waited for them to get their food. They looked at me asking whether I wasn't going to eat. I merely shrugged and joined them.

We reached a table which was almost full and was introduced by Katie. "Guys this is Nora be nice "
I smiled not looking them in the eyes. "Hey"
"It's sexy mall girl "one of the boys bellowed and I recognized him as the one who asked for my name.
Grabbing an apple from my lunch bag I dug in OR I was about to but stopped midway when the hairs at the back of my neck stood. I knew that feeling. Marco had told me about it. Mate. I abruptly stood up and told Katie and Brad that I'd meet them at PE. Honestly I had sensed them at the doors. Well what I meant was that the whisper told me. Two steps away from the table I was stopped by a girl I didn't know.
"Excuse me "I tried side stepping her but she was persistent.
"Look I need to leave so please move" I tried again my patience was wearing thin.
"You move out of my way"she shrieked. Taking in her 5"10 frame, I guessed she was a vampire but a low rank. I merely looked at her and sidestepped her and continued my walk out of the cafeteria.

I waited for Brad by his locker and left a note telling him to meet me at the sports office with Katie. I grabbed my clothes from the gym teacher and waited for Brad and Katie. Five minutes later they came and we parted ways with Brad and entered the locker room. Almost everybody was out except for Katie and I. The uniform was bloody short and the shirt was tight. Considering I have 34-C cups and wide hips with a slightly large butt. I pulled my silver white hair into a bun I walked out with Katie. The unmated males were staring while the females glared.
This is going to be a long class as I could sense my mate in this class.

So how's it been. Quarantine is an ass.

Anyway I hope you like this chapter.

BTW please vote Comment. Until next time my lovelies. 😘

#Smada 😈

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