Part 5 (Killer's pov)

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"I cant believe i am doing this to our freind Error" i thought as i paced around the hall in Nightmare's castle. I am confused of why i am doing this. Then..i hear...s-screaming!?..

I run to the screaming, my face turns pale of what i see, boss, and Ink...trying to hang Error..."LET ERROR GO!" i yelled

They both looked at me, with no emotion in their eyes, Ink kicks the stool and there i see Error struggling to get loose, without me thinking i run and cut the rope,Error coughs when he hit the ground hard, i grabbed Error and ran down the hallway ""K-Killer?..what are you.."" i cut him off "we need to get out of here! And tell Dust Cross and Horror about this!" Error nodded lightly and ran with me.

Meanwhile Ink and Nightmare are running after us with evil grins "GIVE US ERROR! WE NEED TO END THIS!!" Ink yelled in a cold tone, i shook my head and opened a portal, jumped through it with Error, and it closes before they both grab us.

*We Landed In Undertale*

"come on bud..lets get you to a safe place.." i could tell Error was not his normal self, he was always tough and rebellious like a stubborn teen. But now it seemed like he gave up. I see Dust Horror and Cross in the distance, i put error on my back and runs to them "G-GUYS! ERROR WAS ALMOST HANGED BY NIGHTMARE AND INK!!" Dust looks at me, if i was crazy "you are joking...right?" I snapped back "NO! I AM NOT! NOW WE NEED TO HIDE BEFORE THEY FIND US!" They nodded lightly and we all hid in the shed near Classic's house.

Hopefully they will stop this chase soon..i am actually scared of what they will all of us who dont follow the plan..

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