coming across

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Get up jasmine or you will late for your college . shit today I have to reach college on time or I will have bad impression on my lecturer, because it's my first day of college. While getting ready for I  had imagined all the thing I will do in college, how i make new friends, how will be teachers are there, and many things which make me excited and nervous at the same time.i had taken bus  for college , its take me about 40 minutes to reach the college gate. I closed my eyes and taken a deep breath before entering the gate and wished everything should on my flavours. I was on time time table wise teachers came and gave introduction about themselves .all of them where good .

Its last lecture going on when 4 members came inside our class and asked permission from the respective teachers to give us short introduction about themselves.
Two boys and two girls where there, they came for introducing there club to us and asked us to join them. First girl speaks very fluently about their club I was quiet impressed with her accents of speaking and the other one boy and girl where busy in showing the PowerPoint which they had prepared for us. The one guy who is completely silent and observing the class with serious face, suddenly he look in my way and I just started looking at that girl again . At last that serious face guy came I started talking   .

My name is john and I am the head of this club which named" LETS WORK ".I just wanted to say you guys that come  for interview if you want to join our club.we will send the details about interview place and time on your official groups .

These much he said and leave the class with the coldness, uhhhhhhh I just hate the way he had spoken with us . Firstly I also wanted to join this club but the way he was and his behaviour I can't work under him with my peace.

The girl who sit beside me asked me in which club I wanted to join ,I was about to tell when she pulled my hand and taken me to the counter where the LETS WORK club member distributing the patents in which they had written their rules and regulations and points how to appear for the interview. I told her that I don't want to join this club she started her emotional drama infront of me and at last I had to agree to join these group . My turn came to take the patent ,uhh again he is the only one who is distributing the patents.

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