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"I'm in my bed and you're not here."
Why can't you just be beside me now? Why can't you hold me close to your chest and let me listen to your heartbeat? Why can't you do that while softly singing into my ear until we both fall asleep? Is that too much to ask?

I write down as I have my AirPods in, listing to some sad love songs, as sappy as it sounds. I've had a crush on Harry for God knows how long and now it's only getting worse. I've fallen so fucking hard that Satan probably felt the ground shake.

I look out of my window, seeing that it's now raining cats and dogs. I sigh and put away my journal and walk over to my closet and put my red hoodie. I walk over to the window and stare out in the open moonlight. I love watching the moon. I always feel like I can vent to the moon. I know it's sounds weird, but the moon is always there, y'know? Like, even though we don't see it during the day, it's still there, following you where ever you go. Always having your back when you have no one to vent to.

Before I realized it, I had been sitting here for an hour and a half. I also realized that I cried when I looked down at my sweater paws that were a little bit wet from me wiping my tears. You see, whenever I vent to the moon I always tear up, and sometimes I cry. I feel like the moon makes everything hurt a little more, but at the same time it makes it better because you can vent to it. It's weird, I know, but for me it helps a little bit.

Whenever I have these vents, I always wish that someone would pull me into their chest and hold me close and stop my crying by making me laugh and kiss my tears away. Not some random person, I want the boy with those beautiful green eyes, curly hair and a dimpled smile. But apparently God seems to think that it's too much to ask.

Anddddd that's why it's called moon boy, well partly. Hope you liked it<3
Love you, -Erle

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