Chapter 19: Picnic in Park

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Chris helped me inside with Jaylie-Ann and the twins after a week of being in the hospital and I honestly was ecstatic to be home. That hospital was driving me up the wall.

"You iight, baby?" Chris asked, sinking his hands in his pockets. I nodded, taking a seat on the couch with Jaylie in my arms.

"I'm just tired," I sighed, rocking Jay as she whimpered a little. "I'm just gonna feed her and then I'm going to sleep."

"Alright, get your rest, I got a surprise you later, iight?" He said, kissing my cheek. I raised an eyebrow.

"What surprise?" I couldn't help but ask.

He chuckled a little, grabbing his keys. "Don't worry about it. I'll be back though."

I shrugged and proceeded to feed Jaylie. Once I was done, I put her to sleep and put Mina and Miles down for their nap. Then I finally got to get my nap.


I woke up to sweet kisses on my neck and Chris's cologne filling my nose. I squinted my eyes open to find him smiling over me.

"Chris," I laughed a little. "What are you doing?"

"Just looking at how beautiful my baby is. I can't do that?" He shrugged, cheesing.

"Uh no, you are definitely up to something," I said, sitting up on my elbows. "What's up?"

"Iight, you caught me. But follow me," He said, reaching his hand out. I took it and allowed him to lead me toward the stairs.

"Chris, where the twins? And Jaylie?" I asked, noticing that the house was way too quiet.

"Don't worry about, Leigh. Just follow me," He said still leading me toward the front door. I slipped in my sandals and followed him to our car.

Curiously, I kept my eyes out the window to see where he was driving. Eventually he pulled up to a park and I was confused as hell.


"Come on," He said, getting out the car. I walked out and followed him toward a tree where a little picnic with candles was set up.

"Aww, baby, what is this?" I asked, taking a seat on the blanket near him.

"Your surprise," He replied, smiling. "You remember this park?"

I shook my head no. "What park is this?"

"The park we first made it official," He said and it all came back to me.

"Ohhhh," I remembered. "When I first told you that I wanted to be with you."

He nodded. "Yeah. Almost 5 years ago."

"But Chris I still don't understand why we're here."

He sighed, looking out into the open, not saying anything. I moved closer to him.

"Is something wrong?" I asked, caressing his neck. He picked my hand up, kissing my knuckles.

"Nah, nothing's wrong. Lets eat," He said, opening up the basket. We started to feed each other strawberries and drank champagne, cuddling with each other.

I reached in the basket for the chocolate cake and he pulled out a fork to start to me it.

"Oh my god," I said, closing my eyes and enjoying the chocolate that filled my mouth. I had been craving it ever since I was in the hospital since they didn't allow me to eat desserts.

"It's good, bae?" Chris asked, scooping up another piece.

"Mhmm!" I said opening my mouth for another bite. But as I bit into it, this piece had something hard inside of it, like it was rock or something.

I gasped, pulling the thing out quickly.

"Chris, there's something inside of the-" I paused seeing that it was a 16 carot diamond ring in my hand covered in chocolate. I looked at the ring then at Chris.

"Chris- what-" I stuttered, unable to get my words together. He smirked a little, taking my hand.

"Leigh, I love you..." He began looking in my eyes. Then he paused going in the basket, pulling out another box. "Remember this?"

I smiled, nodding. "Our promise rings."

"Yeah," He smiled too looking down at it. "I was thinking about it a lot and I decided to make this promise ring more official and get you an engagement ring."

I gasped. "Engagement ring?"

He nodded, taking my hand again. "Leigh, you the only female in this world other than my mom that I know got me and is down for me. You were my real first love and the mother of my kids. And baby, I want you to be my wife too."

I let a tear roll down my face, overwhelmed with emotions. I looked at the beautiful ring again and then at Chris again.

"Will you marry me?" He smiled a little, waiting patiently for my answer.

"Ye-yes," I nodded, laughing. He cheesed, hugging me tightly and kissing my lips.

"She said yes!" Chris yelled out and I looked around to see who he was talking to only see damn near our whole family come out of nowhere, surrounding us.

"Congratulations, Leigh!" Ashley squealed, hugging me.

"Oh my god..." I hugged her back. "Where did Yall come from?"

"Girl we were waiting by those benches for hella long for you to say yes," She said. I laughed, hugging her again. "I'm so proud of you, Leigh Leigh."

"Thank you, Ashley."

"Mommy!" Mina and Miles came hugging me.

"Hi, babies," I hugged them as Chris approached me with Jalyie in his arms.

"You surprised, baby?" He asked, pecking my cheek.

"Yes! I love you so much," I kissed his lips as the rest of our friends and family joined us. I was overwhelmed.

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