part fourteen: pleasing the storm

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headcanon: oikawa would definitely be friends with bokuroo on the low. so therefore, OUR SEIJOH BOYS ARRIVE BECAUSE I SAID SO AND THIS WAS SO IMPULSIVE AND SORT OF BASED OFF TRUE EVENTS AND I AM NOT SORRY ONE BIT.


thursday nights were always reserved for (name). always. they'd see each other every day, of course, but thursday nights were all for akaashi and his girlfriend. he made sure to keep that up.

so it was no surprise when her bedroom door opened suddenly, and a very sweaty akaashi keiji standing with a bored face. with a bright smile, the girl got up out of her desk chair and decided to sit on the edge of the desk table itself, pushing the chair out of her way and stretching her arms out towards him, waving her hands as to call for him.

akaashi smiled softly, placing all of his stuff on the ground and walking towards her. soon enough, he engulfed (name) in a bone-crushing hug, standing in between her legs and sighing with content.

"you're sweaty~" she wined, and akaashi could only smile wider. she'd brought her hands up into his hair, lightly running her fingers through it.

"it just means i worked hard today," he said, releasing her and standing up straight, but placing his hands on her thighs, while she blushed madly. "i've also been meaning to ask you something..." she hummed in question, to which akaashi asked, "how have you been without the know, mind reading thing?"

(name) had looked down and away from him, now leaning her cheek onto his collarbone, mood seemingly brought down about it.

"i feel incomplete without it...i guess," she said quietly. "i dunno another way to describe it. but you always tell me things get better, so i just gotta wait, right?" akaashi hummed in agreement, wrapping an arm around her back and rubbing it slightly, when suddenly her mood changed and she sat up excitedly.

"soooooo, keiji~" she said, looping her arms around his neck and legs around his waist, akaashi taking the opportunity to lift her up and carry her to the bed.

"you're giving me whiplash..." he muttered as he set (name) down on her back, placing his hands on either side of her head and staring down at her.

"i've got a request for you!" she said brightly, a contagious smile on her face that akaashi just couldn't ignore. when he raised a brow in question, she spoke with a certain nervousness that akaashi found a little bit adorable. just a little bit, of course.

"want you to call me by my first name." she said, exhaling and waiting for a response.

"okay..." he said through the smile on his face, his heart suddenly racing. to try and hide his embarrassment, he leant down close to her ear, lips brushing against the skin of her neck. akaashi was able to hear her mind quite blank, only a bit of static, he figured he heard.

however, he could hear (name)'s shallow breaths as he appeared in such an intimate position.

"(name)," he said shakily against her skin, and his face was immediately pushed above her again. he could see the sweet smile and innocent eyes she wore. eyes that could see happiness in almost anything, eyes that sparkled at him with intensity. (name) clutched the collar of his shirt and pulled him down to place a chaste kiss on his lips, eventually sighing as he'd plopped down beside her.

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