Surf's Up

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After a few minutes, Lux managed to turn Ahsoka's attention back to their meal. Although he could tell she was monitoring the zygerrians behind her, she was paying him enough attention that he could relax.

The final dish of the tasting menu was a gloriously rich cheesecake. Lux received a fruit medley that seemed to contain every fruit in the galaxy and allow him to taste each one. Ahsoka was presented with a chocolate cheesecake with enough chocolaty flavour that her toes curled.

Ahsoka glared slightly at their server when she returned, once again aiming a dimpled smile at Lux.

"Would you like a cheeseboard?" She asked, ignoring the glare. Inside, though, Ahsoka could feel how much she'd just hurt the twi'lek. The worst thing was being unable to apologise.

"We'll have the bill." Lux replied, with a glance at Ahsoka.

"Certainly." The server responded.

Once she'd gone, Lux turned a look onto Ahsoka. "'Soka... stop being so jealous." He said, levelly. That made the rebuke sting more.

When their server returned, Ahsoka made sure to smile at her, and was astonished by the way that it lifted her spirits. The bill was shockingly excessive to Ahsoka. Four hundred credits was four times her Jedi monthly allowance. Lux didn't even blink as he handed over a credit chip Ahsoka hadn't seen before.

"Do you work with the Jedi Order a lot?" Their server asked, as the payment machine contacted the issuing branch via the holonet, burbling away to itself.

"No." Lux replied. "We're looking to in the near future, though."

Ahsoka's proverbial ears pricked up at that. She began planning her interrogation strategy. Whatever Lux was up to... she wanted to know. 'Mischief' seemed to be something that followed her boyfriend around the galaxy.

As they left the restaurant, the same luxury speeder that had deposited them drew up without a sound. Ahsoka allowed herself to be assisted inside.

Admittedly, Lux playing chivalrous male attendee made her want to punch him, but she could feel that he actually cared. Which meant she made the decision about their seating on the way back.

Pulling Lux in after her, Ahsoka dragged him to the centre of the seats, so that they were snuggled together in the speeder. Her boyfriend's scent was interesting, she decided, with her head resting on his shoulder. He smelt of anticipation, good food, bacon aftershave and an herbal sanigel. The scent was, she decided, justification for an offensive operation of her own. Pressing herself against her boyfriend, Ahsoka rubbed herself up and down, like an oversized cat. She could feel the way Lux's hormones were responding through the Force. Predictably, he didn't let her get away with it for long. Wrapping an arm around the togruta's thin shoulders, Lux applied enough pressure to hold in her in place, while his other arm captured her hands.

It was something he found utterly disconcerting about the togruta. He'd once had to cut off a wetsuit she'd got lodged on her montrals when she started to panic. But when it was him or someone she trusted; she didn't mind being held still. Clothing, or someone she didn't trust, turned her into a ball of panicked aggression.

With her suitably contained, Lux gently kissed her left montral, running an arm down her back.

"Later, 'Soka." He said quietly in her ear. "We can't get to the good bit in a limo."

Ahsoka giggled. It was a sound Lux liked. Knowing that she felt relaxed enough to giggle gave him warm fuzzies inside. "I'm sure the driver would get a cup of caf if we asked him to." She replied, snuggling against her human. "Particularly if we gave him the credits."

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